4.17 Strike Three - Confessions

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When I left school again I instantly spotted Jane and John at the play area. I drank the rest of my water bottle to mend my kidneys while I saw John sitting on a swing and Jane pushing her little boy. I wasn't sure if I should bother them again, but then I heard him.

"Mommy, it's Lyza!", he shouted pointing at me and almost fell off the swing. Jane caught him and helped him regain his balance.

"Watch out! I will leave you alone for a minute so please be careful, Johnny"

"Do you go to Lyza?"

"It won't take long"

"Pleeaase tell Lyza I will help her out if she needs me!"

"Okay, I will. That's really nice of you", she praised him and gave him one last push. We met in the middle and embraced.

"He's cute", I said with a smile.

"Oh you could hear us?"

"Every word", I giggled.

"Then you know he wants to help you"

"Yes and I will thank him personally for the offer"

"Oh that sounds good"

"But first I wanna thank YOU again!"

"Anytime. I'm glad you seem to be better"

"I am"

"I hope you also got...you know...a fresh one?", she asked carefully.

"Oh yeah, can't you see?", I asked and did a full rotation.

"No I really can't tell", she confirmed looking at my bum and crotch. The diaper just seemed to boost my slightly flat ass a bit. Actually not too bad I guessed ^^

"I'm not kidding you", I promised and pulled the waistband of my diaper out.

"I already believed you, Lyza", she chuckled.

"Oops", I uttered abashed.

"But it took you quite some time to get changed"

"Yeah there was some other business I needed to take care of, too. Did you actually wait for me?"

"Initially not, but when I thought about bringing John back home I noticed you hadn't come out, yet. So I waited just in case something went wrong for you"

"Oh my gosh, that was so nice of you to actually wait. If I knew I held you up I would've hurried a bit more"

"Don't worry yourself. I wanted to wait for you. And John, too!", she giggled again.

"And I'm glad to see you two again! I was hoping for you to still be here"

"Seems like we both got what we wanted", she smiled.

"Miss?", I tried to start and got serious.

"OMG, you make me feel really old, Lyza! Please just call me Jane", she laughed.

"Alright, Jane..."

"Now you got it. What do you want?", she giggled.

"Can I ask you something very personal?", I asked her in a low voice.

"Hey, what's up? Of course you can ask, but maybe I won't answer", she smiled at me and chuckled. I stayed serious though, but hesitated first.

"Why are you in need of wearing a big pad?", I eventually got out. Jane's smile vanished and she started blushing.

"What?...", she asked shaken and felt the back of her pants.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry that I saw it. Initially I didn't want to tell you about it, but then I thought you should know that your pants are slightly see-through. And I was also really curious", I tried to explain. Jane still looked upset about the whole situation and so I started rubbing her back a bit.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see this one coming. I guess it's already too late to deny it", she said sarcastically.

"Yes I'm afraid"

"It's my biggest secret, you know", she said with a sad face.

"I can imagine"

"I make you a suggestion. I like you and I trust you, but I really can't just talk about it out of thin air. I need an assist. But how about you tell me why you need diapers first and then I'll answer you anything you want. Would that be okay for you?", Jane said with a pitiful face.

"Fair enough for me", I smiled

"Oh thank you, Lyza!", she said and her sad face started to vanished.

"Don't worry. Well I...I...how shall I start?"


"No, now I know. It seems like I always suffered from a kidney disease. This led to me still peeing my pants even when I entered elementary school. My parents sent me to a doctor who gave me a plan. It basically told me when to drink and also to drink less. Once I followed it, I stopped peeing myself within a few weeks"

"But this sounds good. Where's the catch?", Jane bursted out her thoughts.

"Four weeks ago I started fainting at school. I suddenly woke up on the ground and they told me I had been unconscious for almost a minute"

"Oh jeez"

"The doctors checked me and obviously due to puberty my body had changed and the kidney disease had gotten worse. I got a pill a day and the order to drink a lot more water every day. I did what they told me and all of the sudden I started peeing myself during class. I had a really rough day, but got away with it. The next day - actually that had just been yesterday - I tried to fix it with maxi pads in my panties and dark pants. But I found out the hard way that this had been a stupid idea. The pads couldn't hold urine at all and I felt wet in school all day. Then I planned to buy diapers before school today, but I...I...I wet the bed and it took too long to get out of the house without my Mom finding out!", I teared up.

"Oh no, you have quite the losing streak", Jane said and then smiled at me.

"Well then my teacher collapsed, I revived him and leaked in my jeans in front of everyone. This got me to the nurse who recommended the diaper to me and then we met", I finished.

"You gotta be kidding me", she said astonished.

"Nope, it's all true, I swear!"

"So that's why you had been on the bus this early. And do you know why you leak?", she was curious.

"Obviously it's the kidney disease and it seems like my bladder is damaged, too"

"You need to see a doctor..."

"Yeah I know", I interrupted her.

"Okay then...ask me", she dared me.

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