5.25 Uncaught - Crashing Down

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As soon as I heard the lock from the stall I took a look around and then opened the button of my jeans. I needed to take the opportunity to check my health bar ^^ I pulled it down a bit and then my panties to examine my diaper. To my surprise I couldn't see any wetness yet, but then guessed my bum might have looked a bit different ^^ I could've waddled to the mirror inside the restroom, but felt that just wasn't worth the risk. I carefully pulled my blue panties back over my diaper and noticed that it had gotten at least a bit heavier. Then I pulled the jeans over it and closed its button again. Just when I had fixed my shirt I could hear her flood the bowl with diarrhea. It must have hurt a lot because she was also groaning in pain. I got in the door and was close to checking on her when she finally stopped with both of them. Giving space also meant not letting her know I heard and smelled her business. She then started wiping not just herself, but also what I guessed was her diaper. At least it sounded very different. After some minutes and a few dozen wipes she eventually flushed the toilet twice. That moment I left the door frame and went back outside pretending of doing nothing. I heard her leaving her stall and using the sink before eventually getting outside. The smell had gotten a lot better, but was still noticeable.

"You alright?", I tried to ask as neutral as possible.

"Yeah, I think so", she responded with a weak smile. Even though she had quite obviously also washed her face as it was still wet in places, I couldn't help but notice she was looking pale again.

"Are you sure about that? You're looking a bit pale you know", I needed to ask again as I was a bit afraid she might be collapsing on the way back.

"I wanted to omit the details for you, but since you're asking: just heavy diarrhea I'm afraid", she said with an apologetic look on her face. I shrugged it off.

"There's no need to be shy about it, Belle. What's more important now is your health..."

"I'm feeling a bit weak I'm afraid"

"Alright then let's better get you back to the nurse's room quickly. You can lean on me when necessary, okay?", I offered to which she shyly nodded.

On our way back there were suddenly students everywhere. It seemed like they had all taken their time before eventually luring around in the hallways. On the stairway I decided to hook and support her. She made no resistance and just leaned on me and the handrail. The added weight took its toll and I felt more and more pee drops dancing around in my diaper. The situation made me very uncomfortable, but since there was not much I could do about it, I just continued to lead her all the way down. She stopped on the bottom step and then wanted to unhooked me. I carefully let go of her and instantly went for the fabric of my shirt on my backside to make sure it still covered my secret. I was distracted for maybe one second because of this, but that opened a window for error. Belinda must have somehow misplaced her last step down because she suddenly lost her balance. I was too late to get a hold of her and so she just crashed to the floor. At least she managed to sort of catch her fall with her hands to avoid head injuries. She was laying there on her stomach with her white pull-up diaper suddenly uncovered. The slacks had slipped down just over her bum and her shirt revealed her lower back, too. But I couldn't care about it because I first had to check if she was okay.

"Belle, Belle, are you okay!?", I shouted and pulled her up by her shoulders. Since I got so close I smelled her little accident again.

"I'm so sorry, Lyz, I messed up", she told me crying after a few long seconds. Even though she hadn't answered my question she seemed to be well.

"Oh, don't worry. Is it painful?", I asked her and she just pushed her face into my shoulder. Because of the jolt her shirt even slipped back down covering at least her lower back.

"Yes! My hands are hurting a lot!", she answered, but already started to calm down a bit. The best part of this was that suddenly her face wasn't pale anymore.

"I know, but you need to get back up now", I told her and I managed to lead her back on her feet. She instinctively pulled the slacks back up hiding the diaper again before eventually wiping her tears away. Some school students asked her if she needed help, but Belinda quickly told them that she was fine and thanked them, too. Then we continued our way back.

"I bet you would've landed on your feet", she said to me out of nowhere.

"What?", I asked because I had no clue what she was talking about.

"Yeah of course. And you would've added a somersault just for fun", she added giggling.

"Well, I don't think so", I denied, but suddenly knew what she had been talking about. I was part of the diving team of our school.

"How come you aren't training anymore if I may ask? Did you leave?"

"No, I didn't leave. Who says I left?"

"No one. But I haven't seen you there in weeks", she explained and suddenly another light bulb appeared above my head. Belinda was part of our swim team and more often than not both teams needed to share the facilities for some excercises because the classes before us had often exceeded their time limit and since we were last we still needed to finish in time. I had started out at the swim team first, but due to my lazy elbow I had no chance to do well. My trainer had then asked me if I wanted to give diving a try since I was overall a good athlete and my starts looked promising. It worked because my handicap only really limits my left hand's movement. In swimming this was deadly, but when diving from a platform it barely effects my abilities. What doesn't work though is jumping from a handstand position for obvious reasons. I managed to almost master a one-handed handstand, but then couldn't focus on the rotation anymore and always fucked it up ^^

"Yeah, due to my recent health problems I put that career on hold", I told her with a wink. She quickly added to my surprise:

"I see. But will you return?"

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