2.5 Strike One - Stealth

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This might sound like Jenny and I were already best friends, but we weren't. Thus it astonished me how she reacted. I took my leggings to the stall and kept it in front of my crotch as cover until I had the door locked. The panties looked slightly wetter than two minutes ago. I pulled them down to my ankles and tried to pee. It slowly started to tinkle into the water, but again it wasn't all that much. But since I had no other choice - I heard Mr. Jentz call for me - I just wiped my panties dry with toilet paper, put a tissue in my slip against the wet feeling and put on my leggings. It felt okay. Once in the gym I saw the others already running in circles still warming up. Mr. Jentz told me to join them and I did. Jenny indeed acted like nothing happened at all. Classy move by her! I was worried I'd lose some drops, but when I checked after the run in a corner I gladly did neither see nor feel any wetness. The lesson went on with some training here and some talking and teaching there. With about thirty minutes left I suddenly thought I could feel some wetness. We had just finished high knee skips before and I had begun to feel quite comfortable up until this moment. In one movement I turned to the corner, pulled my waistband, saw a small wet patch, let go of the waistband and turned back to the class. I looked around, but no one seemed to have noticed. We then set up the ping pong tables and played round the world. After the eighth round or so I was a bit exhausted and so in the very next round I just got myself eliminated first by hitting the net to catch my breath. Like everyone else I sweated quite a bit, but that didn't stop me from noticing some wetness at the upper end of my thighs! I quickly put the racket in front of my crotch. Then I redid the turnaround glimpse and my light-blue panties had a big dark-blue patch all across the front. The tissue didn't help all that much. I started to shake again. What if someone saw? And then I came to the conclusion that I was indeed so wet that it must've already shown on my leggings. My heart skipped a beat! I looked behind my racket and noticed there was a huge dark patch on my leggings that the racket could barely cover. I was finished! I was done! There was no way out of it anymore. But hey? Why did nobody say anything? Okay maybe you wouldn't blatantly tell somebody to the face, but nobody giggled either. What was going on here? Was it just a nightmare that I could finally wake up from? No it wasn't, but the solution to the riddle were my black leggings. The wet patch was barely noticeable if you didn't especially look for it. I was saved.

I felt relieved when suddenly Paula called me to join the next round. I hesitated first, but when she didn't even flinch when looking at me in peed pants I quickly joined to not raise any suspicion to check me and my leggings out more closely. Paula was a bit more on the chubby side and normally had her long purple hair all over her face, the sides were undercut and the rest was teased high. Only during gym class she wore her hair in a ponytail and thus looked pretty normal aside the dark makeup ^^ She was always accompanied by Trisha who looked quite the opposite. Trisha had a great figure and already looked like a woman with a butt I envied her for. Both were playing at the same table as me.

When Trisha had tripped and fallen while swinging and missing the ball, I saw she had a wet patch on her butt crack. Due to her wearing purple it was a lot easier to spot. I wondered if she had wet herself, too, but in this very moment I heard someone say:

"Look, she pissed her pants!" and as I turned around in shock I saw her friend Paula burst out laughing and pointed at her in a playful manner.

"Hey Trish, you pissed your pants!"

"Oops!", Trisha joined her play.

"Someone forgot her diapers!", Paula added and spanked her on the butt. I didn't feel like laughing at all feeling all the cold wetness in my crotch and turned away from them. As I did I caught Jenny looking towards me with a compassionate look on her face before she quickly tried to look somewhere else and then rejoined her table. I rejoined mine and headed on playing. Before the little break I led my group in points, but now I was nervous and lacked concentration. My attention was somehow stuck on Trisha's wet bum which made it hard not to think about my peed pants. Then Mr. Jentz ended the class early to give us time to acclimate since unlike the other weeks we had to visit other classes after gym. While I tried to figure out how to act in the locker room he again called me to talk to him. This got me nervous and I put the racket in front of the wet patch again. He must have followed my training closely to make sure I'm not fainting and hurting myself.

"Noo, he must have seen the big wet patch on my leggings!", I whispered to myself.

"Do you feel alright, Lyza?", he interrupted me and my mumbling.

"Yes, I'm fine"

"Are you sure?", he added with a suspicious look. I shrunk by a feet or two and panicked.


"What? Why would you? Because of that??", he said pointing at my crotch. This confused the hell out of me and my mind scattered. Did he know already? Did the nurse tell him!? Did my mom call him?!? Or was it Jenny who tried to save me once again!?!

"Whrargh", was all I could get out of my mouth while I just stood there and peed myself some more. Wow, I must have sounded like Chewbacca but he at least didn't wet his fur while doing so.

"What's wrong, Lyza? Relax...", he tried to cool me down and reached towards me. I flinched.

"I...I don't know what you want from me?! Please let me go...", I screamed and took another step backwards. Mr. Jentz looked confused.

"I don't want to harass you in any way, Lyza, no. I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. Just don't forget to put that racket back into the tray, okay?", he stuttered while carefully pointing at the ping pong racket in my hands.

"Eh...", I tried to regain my composure and tensed my sphincter muscle to stop the leaking. As if that made any difference after already dribbling urine for a minute. I couldn't believe he was just talking about the damn bat and not pointing at my wet patch at all. I felt so stupid and like in trance tried to hand him the racket.

"Or if it makes you feel better just keep it...", he added stressed out and then walked out of the gym. I was left all alone in the gym and stood there with pissed pants. I looked down and the patch had grown almost to my knees and I felt my ass was wet, too. At least my crotch wasn't cold anymore ^^

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