2.3 Strike One - Slip

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When I arrived at school that day in eighth grade I was still in total deny. During second class I went for my bottle and took some sips. I was already a bit cautious and figured out mid lesson would be best because there were only 25 minutes left and then the big break would have given me quite some time in case I needed to go again soon. Said big break came and I didn't feel any need. I ate my sandwich and chatted a bit with my friends on the playground before finally returning to the classroom. Just as I wanted to sit in my chair I noticed my bladder calling. I froze on the spot and got a few looks. For a few seconds I pretended to search something in my backpack to figure out what to do. I knew I wouldn't be back in time for class, but on the other hand the incident on the way to school left me a bit shaky. I decided to head for the restrooms. I met my teacher Mrs. Henry on the way and needed to apologize for not going earlier. When I noticed a pain in my bladder I just apologized once more and left for the toilet. I was all alone in there and took a cubicle. I dropped my panties and as soon as I sat down it started tinkling slowly into the water. I sat there a bit puzzled because I knew it would've been hard to hold it in just for a few more minutes despite my bladder not even being full. Something was wrong and I didn't know how to handle it. The school bell cut my thoughts and I knew I had to head back. There was a tiny dark blue patch in my panties that I dried with some toilet paper, wiped myself and ran back to the classroom. Mrs. Henry was already expecting me.

"Ah finally there you are", Mrs. Henry mentioned in a sarcastic way.

"...sorry...", I replied winded from my sprint and sat down.

"Not enough you're disrupting this lesson, but you tumbling down the floor might have disturbed the whole school!"

"...already told you I'M SORRY!", I countered bugged.

"Hey don't worry, the beldam just seems to have a bad day or so", Jenny whispered from the desk behind me.

"Yeah, but I guess I got her hot", I replied once I retained my composure. I knew me being late was my fault and my fault only. I felt bad for shouting at the teacher, but also because I felt the wet patch in my crotch. But wasn't that only a tiny drop? And didn't I dry it out with tp anyway? I reached under my skirt and my index noticed a wet spot. It was very small, but must have been more than a single drop. Maybe just sweat from my running?

"You think? But still no reason to tell everyone we needed to wait with the lesson 'cause she feared you'd be making a mess...", Jenny added and I could see that all eyes were on me and whispering at each other. Dave waved at me and giggled along with Alex. This would've made my heart melt if it wasn't meant to be sarcastic.

"She did WHAT?!", it suddenly erupted from my mouth. I couldn't believe Mrs. Henry embarrassed me like that. At the very same time I noticed a little tickle from below and the slight wetness in my crotch got warm again.

"Wow, keep your calm. You're beet-red, Lyz! I don't want you to faint again", Jenny intruded and then hushed towards Mrs. Henry who was looking towards us angrily. But in this very moment I didn't give a damn about her because I just realized I had wet myself a little while shouting. This couldn't be real. As much as I wanted to deny it, I just couldn't. I carefully risked a glimpse under my skirt and saw a deep-blue patch of about two inches in diameter on my light-blue panties. Despite that I already knew I leaked some, this put me in shock and I felt the heat rise in me. I started to sweat because I feared to be found out by my mates. I searched for some kleenex in my backpack to wipe the sweat from hands and forehead when I realized this would also work with other wetness. When wiping the sweat from my forehead I stealthily transferred a tissue to my crotch and wiped my panties dry. After crumpling it I redid the same with another one and finally threw a total of four of them into the trashcan only few feet away from my table.

"Hey! Lyz!", Jenny whispered.


"Are you alright? First you got red and now you're sweating your ass off. Maybe we should call the teacher and get you to the nurse..."

"No!", I protested instantly as I didn't want to ever see that nurse again. Especially not with a pee in my panties!

"So you're fine?"

"Yes I'm fine. Thank you", I lied and put a fake smile on for her. But behind that smile I was totally lost and tried to tense my sphincter muscle to avoid more leaks. I also figured out by the smell on my fingers that it was indeed no sweat and so I must have pissed myself a little while running down the corridor, too. I needed a plan. First of all I decided to stop drinking again. Obviously my bladder situation was worse than when I had stopped drinking normally years earlier to get my wettings under control. Over the years I had started to take the plan looser, but still maintained the basics which included going to the loo before school and basically not drinking anything until home. There I was with wet panties again and I somehow needed to survive this with some dignity, but how? The only difference between then and now was my panties didn't feature cute hearts and I didn't smile sitting in my wet panties like a dumbass ^^ I had three more classes ahead of me and that last one being gym class. Two problems arose from that conclusion: 1. I had to undress in front of the other girls and 2. I was pretty sure I had to run there which had made me leak earlier. I hoped no more liquid intake meant I would eventually stop needing to wee soon.

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