5.59 Uncaught - Feet Or Back

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"Oh really? So I guess you got along with the brief then?", she nodded interested and continued to look me into the eyes instead of checking out my lower body. That was a fine move by her.

"Oh yeah, it fits really good and I...I also...also wore it to school today and it helped me a lot..."

"Oh, I'm glad you like the brief and it helped you. Like I said on the phone I had my fingers crossed for you the whole day! But you also mentioned difficulties and I have a feeling it has to do with changing it, am I right?"

"Yes, you could say so..."

"Feet or back?"

"...er what?..."

"Sorry, I meant the position. Standing or laying down?", she giggled.


"Oh...and do you have trouble understanding the picture instructions?"

"I'm afraid it's a bit more complicated. Please hear me out first"

"Oh sorry for interrupting you so often, but you're getting me all curious", Mrs. Gaslo chuckled again and then jokingly put a hand on her mouth.

"That's okay, but we won't get anywhere if I can't show you the matter...", I started and put my left arm on the table.

"Oh, are you handicapped?"

"Yeah, you could say so..."

"I noticed you held your arm a bit weird, but couldn't put my finger on it..."

"The short version is: it's limited. I can move my hand and fingers just fine as long as it's straight. But when I bend and twist my arm the fingers get numb and while I can still move them, I have no feel in it. That makes grabbing things nearly impossible..."

"Oh, that sounds...well...tough I guess...poor thing..."

"I don't want to pull on your heartstrings! But I hope you can help me out. Would you call yourself an expert in diapering, Mrs. Gaslo?"

"First of all: please just call me Rita"

"Alright, Rita..."

"And I don't know if I'm exactly an expert for it, but I...I get the job done when necessary", she explained with a smile. I thought about her answer.

"So you're experienced then?"

"Oh yes. I used to work as a nurse so diapering people is no problem for me...", Rita started, but stopped when she saw me look doubtful.

"...and...yourself?...", I asked abashed and suddenly she looked at me confused. It took her some seconds to put the pieces together.

"So you're asking me if I diaper myself?...no, I don't...I mean...after all I am not incontinent...but I'm not sure what you are driving at...", she asked me lost.

"I'm sorry, maybe I should've made myself clear from the start. I need to find a way to diaper myself with only one good arm. That's the problem I have. I already tried it laying on the ground, but I wasn't even close to getting it done decently..."

"Oh, I see! Of course! Well then, let me think. When studying they strongly recommended us to wear and even use the product so we could develop an empathy towards our patients..."

"...and you did?"

"Yeah, I found that an interesting approach. I remember how difficult it was to put it on in a way that it actually fit tight. After all I wanted to make a trip around the block with it", she said and giggled.

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