5.70 Uncaught - Drinking

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"Gloria? The nurse? She put you in diapers??", Mom asked shocked.

"...well...the short answer is: yes..."

"How dare she doing this!?", Mom asked enraged.

"At first she only offered them to me when I had passed out weeks ago. I also felt insulted and refused. But by yesterday I had already wet myself multiple times on the two days prior and then had the very public accident in the classroom where the nurse took care of me right after. And because of the circumstances with shock and all Gloria gave me a diaper just in case. She had no clue how bad my wetting situation really was...that I had already unsuccessfully tried to fix it with darn maxi pads...", I explained giggling with gallows humor despite still being in tears.

"Wow...it's incredible what you've been through, Lyza", Jane said because Mom had stayed quiet.

"This indeed sounds horrible, honey...I'm...I'm speechless...at first I suspected you to exaggerate things a bit, but...well...Lyza?", Mom eventually said.


"Tell us...where did it come from?...it sounds like it came out of nowhere even though I'm not sure when..."


"You're drinking?!", Jane asked shocked and Mom and I busted out laughing. That helped to ease up a bit ^^

"Jane! It's just water!", I explained while I noticed I was peeing myself again from laughing so much.


"Lyza collapsed a few times in the past and went unconscious. Tests showed that she suffers from a medical condition and needs to drink lots of water to compensate it. Well, at least that's the short answer...", Mom explained to her.

"Exactly, but there's a catch. I was...I have been...", I mumbled.

"...Lyza was still having accidents at school as late as I think fourth grade, right honey?", Mom stepped in and I felt just so embarrassed. I hid my face in my palms.

"Oh...well...but this still means she got dry, didn't she?...", Jane asked while caressing my back again.

"Yes...", I sobbed.

"We went to a doctor who figured out a plan and Lyza got dry in...I don't know...less than a month for sure...well...it never happened again...well until few weeks ago...", Mom explained. I figured this wasn't enough of an explanation for Jane, so I looked up again.

"I got a schedule that told me when to drink what amount and when to visit a toilet even if I didn't need to go, yet. Back then it felt almost psychic because I always needed to go as soon as I sat on the toilet", I told them and chuckled.

"That's funny", Jane joined me, but Mom stayed serious.

"Lyza...hun...I still don't...I'm still not sure...I mean we talked about this like two days ago if I'm not mistaken...about this very topic and...you told me you were okay or am I mistaken?"

"This is all my fault...really!...I know you gave me so many chances to address the issues, Mom...I'm sorry!", I answered and continued to cry.

"But why didn't you?...", she asked puzzled.

"...that's unimportant at the moment because we...", Jane started, but got cut off by Mom.

"...it IS important for ME!"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Anderson...", Jane apologized and both started looking at me again. I shrugged scared.

"I'm not mad at you, hun. Don't worry. But why didn't you just tell me about it?", Mom asked me again.

"I just couldn't, you know?...I didn't want to disappoint and upset you yet again...I wanted to stay strong and I hoped it would eventually go away due to the medicine but...but it didn't..."

"So then you didn't lie to me on purpose?"

"That's hard to say I'm afraid...to be honest I probably might have at one point...but if I did, I'm really sorry for it, Mommy!", I pleaded while Mom's expression still didn't change much.

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