5.30 Uncaught - Suspicious

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"What if he doesn't know you? After all it's hard to like somebody who you don't know. Maybe I should just show you to him then..."

"Nooo! I couldn't face him and I don't want him to get suspicious...", she explained and I facepalmed.

"But it's the only way to get him curious, too..."

"You're right! But only show me from a distance then...even better: don't tell me beforehand or I'll embarrass the hell out of me", she explained and now we both laughed about it.

"Okay, then I will show him when..."

"No! Don't tell me when!", she cut me off once again.


"Oh I forgot to ask: you don't have the hots for him, do you? I don't want us to have bad blood about a stupid boy..."

"He's not stupid!"

"No, that's not what I meant, sorry. But is it okay for you that I want to...date him?", she asked me more seriously now. It was hard. This whole dialogue had been rough. It was hard for me to confess that she was hot as hell while I was still just pissing my diapers. Literally ^^ And the passion she showed convinced me that it was the right thing to do.

"Yeah...of course...that's fine..."

"Oh thank you! This means a lot to me. I see he means a lot to you, too"

"Just please don't hurt him, okay?"

"Yeah, I promise you", she told me and then again just swung her arms around me jolting.

"Okay, okay, I get that you're excited", I tried to stop the rumbling because I already started leaking some drops again. She finally stopped and just held me. Once more this gave me a strange feeling like this wasn't just a hug in joy. First I wanted to squirm myself out of her grip, but then I noticed how nice she smelled and how aroused I became being literally in touch with this beautiful girl. I instantly envied Mack.

"I see you like this, too", she whispered in my ear and began massaging my back. I must have blushed although I'm afraid it was most likely just because I wet myself ^^

"Oh stop it, you're just messing with me...", I said with a gesture of refusal.

"No, I mean that! I sometimes catch myself thinking about the two of us in the locker room - how we were standing there in drenched clothes and then later in the shower again being all wet, you know..."

"...you...you do?", I asked surprised.

"Don't you? I guess it's just normal for teens to be curious about naked bodies, so don't worry about that", she said with a wink and giggled. Then her right hand grabbed my left thigh. I panicked because she was really close to my diaper area when she suddenly started massaging it with her fingers.

"Not!", I whimpered and I could make out the fear in my own voice.

"Oh, are you getting wet already? Because that's what I'm talking about...", Trisha said with a naughty smile on her face.

"Please, let go, Trish!", I shouted before she finally let go of me altogether. I exhaled relieved.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Lyz. I was actually hoping to make you a bit more comfortable around me...", she said upset.

"B-But not this way I'm afraid...not by touching me", I whimpered again.

"Ah, I see. Sorry again. What I wanted to accomplish, though, is that you get that it's okay to get aroused by girls and that neither you nor me need to hide it from each other. I'm not messing with you here. I think you're a hot girl, Lyza. And the way you look at me from time to time tells me that you find me hot, too, am I right?", she asked with a blushing smile on her face. This made me think of my dream again and my eyes wandered down to her crotch. Gladly it was still dry ^^

"Why are you even doing this? First you wanted Mack and now suddenly you want...you want me?"

"No, no, one doesn't have much to do with the other. I don't want to hold hands with you, buy a house and raise a family. That's something entirely different. That's what I'm trying to explain to you, Lyz! But first you need to answer me"

"Er...yes...I actually think you're stunning", I admitted embarrassed.

"Thank you! And there's no reason to be abashed. I feel flattered and you should, too, when I tell you how sexy you look", she explained.

"And I guess your point is...it doesn't automatically make us gay?"


"Are you sure about that? In all honesty I already started to sort of doubt my sexuality because of this", I whispered to her.

"It's most likely just curiosity, a desire to try something new. I'm not telling you, you aren't gay or at least bi. How shall I know? I guess only time can tell. But like I said I too have pretty strong feelings from time to time and I felt the need to be open to you about it. I hope this doesn't alienate you too much", she explained and by that last sentence she had gotten noticeably quieter.

"No, not at all. This is just new to me, you see? So we're finally talking the same language now and I'm really grateful for your approach. Is this all you wanted? Because you don't look like it..."

"It's fine...it's just...nevermind...", she stuttered ruefully and slowly made a few steps backwards. This was confusing because she had been on offense the entire time and now she all of the sudden played defense?

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