6.47 Game Over - Confidential

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But first things first I locked myself into the tiny stall. It was pretty dirty so I wiped the seat with toilet paper before sitting down on it. Despite my precautions there was already a fresh little wet spot in my panties. This was hard to take as it showed that even if I went to the bathroom every few minutes I was still involuntarily leaking some drops. I took a deep breath and then held my tears back. I bent over and examined my panties while tinkling into the bowl. I didn't need to take a closer look at them because the whole crotch area was dyed in yellow all the way up the front and the back. It was so bad that you only saw the hearts in pink and red because the orange ones were drowned in the yellow color of the fabric. The smell was also bad once inside a confined space. I dried the fresh wet spot with toilet paper and layered a few sheets inside my panties. Then I wiped myself and pulled the package up. Of course that wouldn't exactly help preventing me from flooding my panties again, but it would at least catch the few drops I leaked during my 15 dry minutes interval. On top of that I finally felt dry again even though the paper itself was a bit rough.

I went to the sink and didn't only wash my hands but sprayed my face with cool water. It felt so exhilarating. I thought about leaving the bathroom already when I noticed I had finally gotten some privacy and time. I thought about trying to wash my yellow panties with the hand soap, but ultimately decided against it as there had been no hand dryer in there. That was too bad because I would've felt a lot better with a clean pair of panties on. So I decided the best I could do was to leave because the earlier we got in there the earlier I would be back home in the shower.

Mom welcomed me with a warm smile. I had seen her putting something hastily in her bag, but didn't dare to ask her about it.

"You look good"

"Thanks, Mom. I also feel better"

"That's good. Are you ready to go in there, hun?"


"Yes, honey?"

"One thing"

"That is?"

"Please don't humiliate me"

"Oh, I see. But how are the clerks supposed to figure out the right parameters if we don't tell them that it's about you, hun?"

"I...I don't know...maybe just tell 'em we need it in XS"

"I'd say they'd figure out pretty quickly that this is your size", Mom told me with a smirk and of course she had been right.

"So I just have to take it on the chin then?"

"It's their job to treat such things very confidential. I honestly wouldn't worry too much about it, hun"

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