4.9 Strike Three - Blue Panties

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I noticed a wet patch on the seam of Belinda's dark-blue skirt, while she was waiting for me looking the other way. When I joined her, she suddenly swung her arms around me.

"Thank you so much, Lyz!"

"No problem, Belle", I declared.

"Is it okay for you, if I go to the restroom before we leave?", she asked sheepishly and it suddenly crossed my mind that I had entirely forgotten about my little pee problem. How was my diaper?

"Sure. I need the toilet as well", I smiled at her, but though she tried to smile back I noticed she didn't look too enthusiastic. As soon as we entered the restroom Belinda suddenly rushed into the first stall. Since I was meant to have an eye on her I took the next stall. I could hear her sob even though she seemed to try to repress it. But for now I would concentrate on my situation. I had a hard time opening my jeans button, but finally could pull down jeans, panties and the diaper in one go. To my surprise I had already wet myself quite a bit. I hadn't noticed a thing. This meant those diapers indeed worked like a charme compared to my maxi pads as they didn't feel wet after leaking in them. This was good to know for my future plans. The downside was that I had a hard time determining when I leaked. But thinking about it I thought that this was quite an advantage because it would make a normal life possible where I wasn't reminded every ten minutes that I was a sore loser who pissed herself and couldn't do a thing about it ^^ I only managed to pee very few which wasn't too surprising though. I wiped myself. Just when I wanted to pull up my pants I noticed I could see Belinda's shoes and a white piece of fabric. I leaned a bit forward to get a full view of her white panties. They had a drenched patch in the center. I felt bad for her. Then it hit me that since I could see her wet panties that she could've also seen my diapers. I quickly pulled the diaper up and then also the panties and jeans. Then I flushed and left the stall to wash my hands. When I checked my bum in the mirror I heard Belinda flush the toilet. She stormed out of the cubicle and went straight for the sinks to wash her hands and face. I could hear her take a deep breath.

"Should I help you with something?", I asked and tried to open a door for her.

"No, thanks. But I'm so sorry, Lyz. I forgot I needed to see the nurse today. I need to pick up something. I hope it's okay for you. It won't take long I hope", she explained nervously and I instantly knew she would head for help with her underwear there. At least I thought.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'm not in a hurry", I tried to calm her. I actually had thought about getting a fresh diaper from the nurse myself, but this wouldn't work with Belinda being there, too ^^

"Thanks", she said shyly and so we went to the nurse.

Once we got there Belinda got nervous again.

"Errr...is it okay for you to wait outside? It's sort of a personal thing, you know...", she asked.

"Yeah, that's fine", I answered as relaxed as possible. In real I didn't want to be confronted by the nurse with Belinda standing next to me either ^^

"Hello Mrs. Osmond, I came to pick up my package", she said after knocking and entering the door.

"Oh hi Belinda, how are you? Haven't seen you in two weeks...", I could hear the nurse answer before the door shut me out. They appeared to be quite familiar as for example I didn't even know that the nurse was called Osmond. Since I got into this kind of predicament earlier that day I was actually quite curious what they were talking. I tried to eavesdrop at the door, but couldn't hear anything. So I made use of the meantime to message Jenny that something happened at school and I was coming early. After about five minutes Belinda came out smiling.

"Thanks for waiting. Let's go!", she announced and went ahead. The wet spot on her skirt was gone. I followed her.

"Where's the packet?", I digged deeper.

"In my backpack. It's for my Mom", she returned pointing at her bag. This left me dumbfounded and I had to consider that she indeed just picked up something personal for her Mom. We continued to quickly head for the bus stop. I didn't know the exact time when the bus was going to appear, but I thought Belinda knew. Otherwise she wouldn't rush that fast. Her skirt was flying quite a bit and for a split second I could've sworn I saw a diaper under it, but wasn't sure.

We eventually caught the bus, but Belinda let me go in first so I couldn't take a look under her skirt at the steps. It was quite a long drive to their suburb. Then when she got up to leave the bus her skirt was stuck to her shirt long enough to reveal blue panties. This meant the packet for her Mom must have been her wet white panties ^^ I brought her to her house just down the street. She unlocked the door and we got in. Her black dog welcomed her with joy.

"Oh cool, you have a dog", I noticed surprised.

"Yeah, this is Max. And Max, this is Lyz", she introduced me and the dog got to me and started sniffing my hands, but also my jeans. I feared he would smell the puddle inside and pull my pants down. I instinctively pressed my thighs together.

"Oh wow, Max. You come on strong"

"Yes he's very curious and protects me at all times", Belinda announced proudly.

"Good dog", I told Max and petted him. He quickly rushed back to her. I was relieved and relaxed my legs.

"I'm so grateful you brought me all the way home. This was a really nice move"

"No problem. I was on my way here anyway. I'll get Jen her homework right after I see you're fine"

"I am already thanks to you. I still can't believe what happened and that you saved him. How are you after all?", she suddenly asked me. That took me by surprise.

"Err good question. I guess I'm fine", I answered and smiled.

"Since you've been so good to me I want to disclose something to you, Lyz. I peed myself, too. I hope it will make you feel a bit better not being the only one who had this happened to her", she explained and blushed in shame.

"Yes, it does. It was so embarrassing!", I teared up a bit and she hugged me.

"Don't worry. No one will care after what you did for Mr. Rottenburger. And I'm glad Gloria was there for you..."


"Oh, the nurse Mrs. Osmond. Sorry"

"You seem to know her pretty good"

"Yeah, she lives here just around the corner. And she told me that your Mom bullied and threatened her today"

"What!?", I responded and couldn't believe what Belinda just said.

"Yeah. I know Gloria can sometimes be a bit rough, but I don't think she deserved that. That's why I wanted you to know..."

"Oh wow! I'm sorry. I admit I had some differences with her and told my Mom about it, but that's about it"

"Yes, she hinted something like that, but thought today was okay"

"Indeed, today she was really nice to me and I'm really sorry that she got bullied. I gotta talk to Mom", I promised and then we said our goodbyes. I wasn't sure what to think about these accusations. Did Mom really do her harm because of me?

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