5.9 Uncaught - Coupling

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"I guess I should either give in and exploit your desire..."


"Or I get the hell outta here quickly and leave you hanging naked so you need to figure out yourself how to make it through the day...", he told me and now I turned back around curiously.

"Mackie!", I said afraid.

"But since you were honest about it upfront...and I'd bet you'd get even more of a kick out of the latter...", he said with a wink.

"what?...", I accidentally uttered baffled, but quickly put a hand on my mouth.

"...I'll just ignore it and diaper you quickly, but under one condition", he suddenly stopped talking and looked at me with a serious look on his face. This all caught me by surprise, so I felt intimidated.


"Stop making me horny, Lyz!"

"Oh-Okay", I stammered with a forced smile.

"Please, it hurts down there", he suddenly bursted out laughing and winked. I was still confused for a few seconds before I finally realized he had only been joking.

"Oh you!", I shouted and started laughing, too.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist"

"I guess I deserved it"

"Just a little. But I'm serious: it really hurts"

"Oh sorry about that", I said, but was secretly glad because this meant he was horny, too. We looked at each other for a moment before some noises broke the silence.

"What's this?", Mack asked. I looked over his shoulder and saw an elderly couple with grocery bags walk towards us.

"People, maybe 100 feet away"

"Damn, then let's quickly get your pants back up", Mack said and wanted to go for my jeans.

"No, I can't just put that stinky maxi pad back on"

"What? Come on, Lyza! Then what?", he panicked.

"They haven't seen us, yet", I whispered and pushed him against the tree and trapped him tight with my body so we couldn't be seen by them.

"No, what are you doing? This is so stupid. Get dressed and let's just walk out"

"Oh and it won't be strange when boy and girl suddenly walk out of some bushes. Pull me as close as possible!", I whispered and rolled with my eyes and so he did.

"I give you that. But at least it would be a little less painful", Mack breathed and I noticed he had actually sweat on his forehead. It was only then that I noticed his dick on my tummy. It was rock hard.

"Oh no, I'm sorry, Mackie"

"Come on. Admit that you did this on purpose", he joked.

"No, but tomorrow when you're healed, I'd watch out", I played along.

"Can you tell if they already passed us? I don't hear them anymore"

"No, I can't see anything. But I'll take a gander", I explained and carefully tilted my head to the left to see the path where they came from.


"Nothing", I declared and tilted the head to the right. At first I didn't see anyone either.

"Still nothing?"

"Yeah, but they couldn't have passed us so fast that they'd already be out of sight. They gotta be here somewhere behind the trunk", I whispered.

"But how come we can't hear them then?"

"I don't know"

"Then take a look, Lyz!", he hissed and shoved me to the right-hand side. I tilted my head again and could suddenly spot both from behind only about 20 feet away. The man was looking around while the woman had taken her jacket off and was just tying it around her waist. They must have stood there for a few minutes now without saying one single word. Suddenly Mack pulled against my hip.

"They're right there. Maybe 20 fe...NO!", I told him, but stopped when I suddenly felt something wet on my leg. I leaked and the drop was rolling down my inner thigh!


"Nothing...they're about 20 feet from us and will walk away in a minute I'd guess", I told him and quickly tensed my sphincter. I felt a second drop on my thigh and knew I couldn't resist much longer. The tissue had still been in my right hand so I wanted to quickly catch that drop before it rolled down, too.

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