3.9 Strike Two - Cracks In The Wall

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I arrived at Mack's school just as he was walking out of it. I didn't give him a signal until he had left his friends and so I took the time to empty my last bottle. He asked me what I was doing there and I just told him the truth that I didn't want to walk home on my own. Mack gave me a much needed hug and then we left. After about a third of the way I couldn't withhold my pee any longer again.

"I'm sorry I need to pee. Please wait a minute ok?"

"You don't need to go here. The Asian diner is only five minutes away", he said and held me back.

"Yes, I know that, but I can't wait any longer. Otherwise I wouldn't want to pee in such a place", I replied and some drops went into the pad.

"Okay, sorry", he apologized and finally let me go. I looked around and could only spot a tree. I had no choice and looked at Mack.

"I'll take the tree. Would you please cover me? The free meal is not forgotten!", I tempted him and he came over and stood in the way blocking the view. I carefully crouched down while pulling my panties and leggings only far enough down so they wouldn't get wet as I didn't want to show Mack my peed pad. I dribbled a bit early, but all in all it was alright I think. Afterwards I wanted to pull my pants back up, but couldn't do so until I fully stood up. I looked at Mack, but he had his head turned the other way to see oncoming people.

"Anyone getting closer?", I wanted to know.

"Nope, we're lucky I guess", he replied and turned back to me. My green panties had been up already and I quickly pulled the leggings up as well.

"Great", I said sheepishly and went ahead. He followed me after a few moments. On the way to the Asian diner I noticed him staring at me at times.

"Hey what are you lookin' at?", I confronted him.


"Nothing? I hope you're not worried I might faint again. I don't want to worry you, Mack! I drank three...no...four bottles today just to make sure I won't pass out again okay? And by the way that's the reason I needed those pee breaks..."

"I know. Must have been a stressful day for you, Lyz", he looked at me sympathetic.

"Yeah! You have no clue", I answered relieved and again was glad to have such an empathetic friend.

"You're right. And I feel sorry for you. Could I ask you a question though?"

"You know you can ask me anything anytime. Stop the hassle. What's up, Mack?", I forced him.

"Are you wearing a diaper today?", he asked with a blushed face. That hit me out of the blue and I went pale. My knees went all shaky.

"Are you crazy!?", I said with a not very convincing voice I guess.

"I didn't want to upset you but..."

"No, Mackie, I'm not wearing diapers!!", I took a stand and instantly regretted my outburst.

"Alright then...", he replied subdued.

"Sorry I didn't want to shout at you"

"It's okay", he assured and pointed forward. We finally arrived at the Asian diner and as promised I payed the bill even though Mack purposely ordered the most expensive meal on the menu. Maybe I deserved it. I had finished mine far ahead and when I felt a slight wetness on my bum cheek I took the chance to use the only toilet there. I must have already trickled a bit again. I pulled my pants and panties down and pushed out every drop from my bladder. Then I stared at the thick yellow maxi pad and started to cry my eyes out. A diaper. I didn't wear a damn diaper. Or did I? I had to admit I definitely needed one though. I was wearing a maxi pad without being on my period after all. I was using it as a diaper replacement. It was as simple as that. And when I saw my bum with the full maxi pad in the mirror I thought it looked like I was wearing a diaper, too. Mack must have seen me! My thoughts were interrupted by some knocking at the door.

"You okay Miss Lyz?", Mr. Changawan asked.


"I hear you crying"

"I'm sorry. But I'm fine", I tried to get him away.

"Wait second. I get Mister Mack"

"No!", I tried to stop him, but he had already left and I could hear him talking to Mack.

"Your girlfriend very sad", Mr. Changawan told him.

"My girlfriend? Ah you mean Lyz?"

"Yes Miss Lyz"

"Thank you, I'll take care of her", Mack said determined and I could hear him come closer.

"Please go away!", I shouted.

"Lyz, what's up?"

"Nothing. Leave me alone!"

"No I'm not leaving you here. You wanted me to accompany you and I will. I promise you I won't pick your brain again, Lyz"

"Are you even done eating?", I wondered.

"Yes I am. Now please get out."

"Wait a minute", I returned and pulled my pants up. I reached at my butt and felt the maxi pad wore out. I left the toilet anyway and fell right into Mack's arms. I had no energy to argue anymore.

"Hey, it's okay. Let's just leave", he comforted me and I saw a worried Mr. Changawan standing in the kitchen door. I forced a smile into his direction before we quickly left the diner.

"Thank you again and sorry for all the trouble!", I stuttered to Mack.

"It's okay. Let me tell you that...", he started and I interrupted him right away.

"Hey, you didn't want to interrogate me!"

"I won't, I promise", he returned.


"Just hear me out for a second and then we can change the subject or remain silent", he offered.

"Go ahead"

"I know you're worried about something, but you somehow can't tell me about it. That's okay. It's fine. I don't want to force you to tell me right now. But please think about it, when you'll be laying in your bed or whenever else and it's still worrying you. Just don't forget that I'll be there for you any time you need me. I know you can make the climb to my bedroom window. We both know!", he smirked towards me.

"Thanks again. It means the world to me even though I might not be able to show it right now", I replied and chose we remained silent for the rest of the walk.

He had hinted at the night when I had stormed into his room and swayed him into having sex with me in an instant. It took a while to get him up though. I finally just put his noodle in my mouth and this eventually got him hard ^^ Mack started to moan and so I put the franger I stole from Dad's nightstand on his stiffy. Then I threw myself back first bottom up on his pillow and showed him the right entrance. He didn't act like Mack anymore, but like he was caught in some sort of trance. It took barely a minute, but we were both totally exhausted and sweating heavily afterwards. We did not kiss as Mack didn't want to taste his own cum ^^ But we caressed each other until we fell asleep. His alarm woke me up and it took me a moment to realize I wasn't in my bed, but spooning with Mack in his. By that time I kinda regretted it already and quickly sneaked back out of his window. I almost broke my ankle on the way down and couldn't make the climb to my bedroom window anymore. So I had to rush through the back door and tiptoe up the stairs. Right after I jumped into my bed, I fell asleep again. Mom woke me up before my buzzer went off and wondered why I had sweated so much ^^ I didn't meet Mack this morning because my first lesson had been canceled, but he told me on the way home that he couldn't get rid of the condom at home before school and so had to flush it in a school toilet ^^

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