4.16 Strike Three - Violence

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"Why would you think it was your fault, girl?", she started to get curious.

"I was actually terrified after you shouted at me four weeks ago and I told Mom about it yesterday. I'm so sorry! Please don't hate me!", I screamed and she came over to my head and caressed my cheek.

"Oh Lyz, that wasn't your fault! You did what every student would and should have done in your place. I blame myself! Four weeks ago I had already had a really rough day and then the smell of your mess caught me off guard and I just freaked out. I am so sorry I shouted at you! My behavior was inexcusable"

"Wow, thank you. And I thought you were only nice to me today because she beat you up"

"Let's put it this way. She reminded me the hard way that I should be very nice to everyone who is desperate enough to ask me for help, you know?"

"Like me"

"Yes, like you", she confirmed and continued to wipe my bum.

"Did I mess myself again? I'm sorry...", I asked.

"No, don't worry. Your little bum is clean. Just some more urine drops I need to take care of", she calmed me.

"I get it may have been a bit your own fault, but I think that's still no reason to use voilence against someone"

"I agree with you"

"Then I will confront my Mom with the matter and make her apologize to you"

"No, she doesn't need to..."

"But she does! But for this I need to know exactly what she did to you", I explained, but the nurse finished her wiping and got the diaper package from one of her open cabinets.

"See? It's the last one already. When I handed you yours the package was still half-full. No need to be ashamed of anything when it actually happens all the time. Now please get up", she said and took the fresh diaper out like nothing had happened.

"Come on! Please! Did she really hit you? I need to know", I asked her while I stood up.

"No", she answered and held the open diaper in front of me.

"No? No?? What else did she do?", I asked while I stepped in it and she pulled it up over my bum.

"I really don't want to talk about it if you haven't noticed, yet"

"I did notice. But I don't understand it. You expect the students to tell you everything no matter how awkward it may be. Those students including myself who wear a diaper from that package voluntarily abased ourselves because we trusted you. And just like you won't tell any other student about it, I won't either", I argued and noticed I already trickled a bit while she was just pulling up my light-blue panties. Then Mrs. Osmond stopped and went pale. I already feared she would collapse, too, but she teared up.

"Your mother knocked and as soon as I opened the door she took me inside with her, locked the door and pushed me hard with my back against the wall. She was so strong. She was leaning over me and whispered in my ear that I had hurt her beloved daughter when I was mean to you, despite you still being vulnerable and scared to death after fainting only minutes earlier. Then she started to spook me by shouting 'boom' multiple times before she violently turned me around, pushed my face against the wall, lifted my skirt and pulled my panties up my backside. I was so frightened to death I pissed myself!!!", she suddenly screamed and broke down. I was so shocked by what the nurse just told me that I just stood there for a few seconds before I finally rushed to help her up. She started crying like a baby.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't know...I had no idea!", I tried to explain and caressed her back.

"I'm so sorry I hurt you, Lyza!!! I'm just so sorry!!!", she screamed at me. I didn't know what else to do. Then I came up with something.

"Gloria, please lay down on the medical couch. Come on, I'll help you", I escorted her over and she laid down. Immediately she fell into fetal position. I could see a big pad under her skirt. It seemed to me like the whole world was peeing their pants - just like Mom hinted. At least I was not the only one. I took a chair and sat next to her caressing her back further until she eventually stopped crying.

"Thank you", she finally said something.

"That was the least I could do after what my Mom had done to you"

"You know, I'm just an old woman who is already struggling with senility and incontinence for a while. I'm old and I'm afraid of everything. You don't need to feel sorry for me, Lyza"

"But I am feeling sorry for you because I like you. And I don't want anyone to put harm on someone I like"

"I like you, too. I guess it wouldn't have escalated if I hadn't forgotten your name", she sobbed.

"You forgot my name?"

"Your Mom told me, what I had done to her daughter Lyza who had shit her pants, but I didn't know it was you she had been talking about. I mean you have no idea how many pooped pants I had to clean up during the last months..."

"That's a pity..."

"Yes, she reacted way over the top, but so did I when I had shouted at you. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yeah, you have a point. The difference is that you apologized to me, so she will, too", I smiled at her.

"You're nice"

"Can I help you with something? I guess the urine smell is from this morning?", I offered her my help.

"To my shame: yes. I had so many appointments today that I didn't have time to clean everything up, yet. I was in the middle of cleaning myself when you knocked here", she chuckled.

"Okay, then let's do this together"

"If you don't mind cleaning up urine..."

"You have no idea either, how much pee I cleaned up just in the last few days", I told her with a wink. We then scrubbed the floor where the incident had occured. Mrs. Osmond had already removed the puddle earlier. She also had already switched to a spare pair of panties and wore a fresh pad. It was just the white pantyhose that had a yellow cast in her crotch. So I washed it in the sink while she wiped her thighs. Within fifteen minutes everything was perfect again. It was only after this that I noticed I was still walking around with only my panties over my fresh diaper.

"Don't worry, you still look cute", the nurse chuckled and helped me in my jeans.

"But I don't wanna look cute anymore, though", I declared. Then I noticed how late it had already been and so I embraced her in a long hug and said goodbye to her.

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