5.23 Uncaught - Being There For Her

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The curtain moved and I got so nervous I had to get up from the chair. After what felt like an eternity Belinda appeared right in front of me. Her face seemed a bit weary, but that aside she was looking good. She wore a fresh white shirt and light-grey slacks had replaced her skirt. One hand was still on her stomach, though.

"Hey Lyz!", she said with a bright smile.

"Hey Belle, how are you?", I returned with a smile and tried to act like I hadn't heard a thing.

"I'm okay I guess - just a bit stressed out you know..."

"I can imagine. I feel sorry for you"

"Thank you, that's so nice of you - I mean even that you came. I was certain you wouldn't come after...", she said and didn't finish that last thought, but her sad face was basically telling it all. She didn't need to. I just nodded to show I knew and headed on.

"So what's next for you. Do you want me to get you home?"

"No, I don't feel like taking the bus, you know? No, I just learned that Dad will pick me up later"

"That's good!"

"Well, I don't know..."

"What? Why not?", I asked.

"He needs to leave his work which means he needs to call someone to replace him. The head office will learn about it which might actually get him in trouble and..."

"I see, but I don't think you should worry about such things now, Belle. First and foremost we need to take care of your health, okay?", Mrs. Osmond interrupted her from behind and started tickling her head a bit.

"Mkay...", Belinda responded.

"But she's right, Belle", I added with a smile.

"Seems like it", she said with a smirk before suddenly doubling over and grasping her stomach with both arms.

"Oh, does your tummy hurt again?", the nurse asked her to which she nodded.

"Anything I can do?", I openly offered my help.

"...was just another wave sorry...", Belinda explained while getting back up. The nurse looked at her.

"I think you could accompany Belinda to the restrooms if you don't mind", Mrs. Osmond suggested.

"Really??", Belinda asked confused.

"To make sure you don't fall in case of a sudden feeling of faintness...", the nurse explained her.

"Okay", I heard myself answer before really thinking about it.

"Thanks Lyz!", she smiled at me and walked towards the door.

"I'll come in a minute, just wait outside, okay?", I quickly added.

"Alright", Belinda returned and went through the door behind me. As soon as the door closed I got to the nurse.

"Mrs. Osmond, what should I say to her? I have no idea what to talk about. I don't want to say something wrong", I expressed my worries.

"Lyza, it really doesn't matter what you say. If something crosses your mind say it and if it doesn't just stay quiet. Being there for her is the pivotal part. And not judging her"

"Ah, I see. Thanks, Mrs. Osmond!"

"I thank YOU, Lyza", she said with a smile before I walked outside.

Belinda was leaning against a window when I entered the hallway. Her eyes lit up again once she saw me. I tried to not force a dialogue to leave her space.

"Ready?", I asked.

"Yeah, let's go", she returned and pointed with her head towards the center of the school.

"Well, I'd suggest the bathrooms on the upper floor"


"Less traffic", I explained smiling.

"Indeed, good idea"

"I mean if stairs are okay for you"

"Sure. Then let's get upstairs", she announced and hastily went ahead.

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