5.5 Uncaught - Dripping To the Floor

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That alarm clock hit me like a semi-truck. I instantly held my ears, but to no avail. When switching it off I remembered I had overslept the day before, so I brought myself to roll out of the bed. I was so drowsy I tripped and dropped to the floor hitting my knee badly. Man, that hurt, but at least it woke me up as well ^^ Then it dawned on me that I could just be dreaming again. I looked down and still wore my light-blue panties and they were clean. Then I checked the bed. The green mattress cover shocked me again, but then I recalled that Mom had bought it for me along with the waterproof bed sheet. I wouldn't exactly call it normal ^^ but at least it was the same configuration as the prior evening, so to speak. I took off my shirt and went to the closet, but then hesitated. I thought about what I would do next. I needed quite some things to get done before going to school. What was it again? I had forgotten to get the laundry from the dryer last night. Then I needed to secretly clean the shower cap and put it back in its place. It was in the trash bag that I also needed to dump. Additionally I needed to get a shower badly. I remembered I hadn't even cleaned my private parts after taking off my diaper. I looked down again and saw a small wet spot on my panties. It took me a second to realize that it hadn't only been there one minute ago when I had looked at it, but that it was also growing slowly. This shocked me. I quickly tried to tense my sphincter and started heading out of my room. Additionally I pressed my hand against my crotch. This would also cover my mishap from Mom I thought. Damn I had forgotten to use the toilet after I had taken off my diaper. This wouldn't end well I thought. Once out the door I rushed down the stairs. I hadn't even reached the bottom step when I felt my hand getting wet, too.

"Noo!", I sobbed and pressed my thighs together. But this slowed me down a lot.

"Hun!? Are you alright?", I heard Mom call for me while I took the final footsteps towards the bathroom door. I took a fast glimpse under my right hand and saw a big dark-blue patch on my light-blue panties. My palm was already drenched. I couldn't take my hand out of my crotch without losing control altogether. So I opened the door handle with my right elbow and stepped in. On the last few feet to the toilet I held on with every ounce of strength within me. My whole body started to shake. I managed to open the lid with my lazy arm stub when I felt pee drops roll down my inner thighs and pour through my fingers. I was out of options. I had no choice, but to sit down quickly with my panties still on. My final barrier broke and a gush of pee flooded my panties. I pulled the slip to the side to avoid further damage as I relaxed totally exhausted once again. When the torrent finally ended, I suddenly heard footsteps.

"Honey?", Mom called me again coming closer to the bathroom. I hadn't had a chance to close let alone lock the door when I waddled to the toilet, so I was unprotected.

"I'm fine, but don't come in!", I shouted and recklessly got up and dashed towards the door. Pee was dripping to the floor.

"Did you leave the door open again?", she wondered loudly and before I knew she was standing in the doorway right in front of me.

"MOM!", I shrieked and froze on the spot. She put a hand on her mouth while surveying my panties.

"Oh no, hun, you wet yourself...", she stammered shaken. I followed her eyes down to my crotch area. My panties were dark-blue and wet with only two light-blue spots left at the sides.

"Oh I'm so sorry, Mom!", I blubbered while urine dripped from my slip to the floor. I put my hand in my crotch to catch the drops and cover my accident. I was so ashamed. This might sound strange after I had pissed myself again and again during the last few days, but it had been many years since the last time I wet myself in front of Mom! It was a strange sight looking past my bosom at the pissed panties in my crotch.

"What a mess", Mom said astonished. Then her stare softened and she tried to reach for me.

"No!", I shrieked. I got scared and stepped away from her.

"It's okay, honey", she assured me and followed me to give me a big hug. I just stood there in dripping pissed panties with my hand still on my crotch.

"I can't tell you how sorry I am, Mom", I said sobbing.

"I know, I know...", she returned and gave me a kiss on the forehead. I finally calmed down a bit. It was only then that I noticed her weary eyes and I felt remorse.

"Thank you"

"For what?"

"For still being nice to me"

"You're welcome, hun. Now let's clean up that mess you made", she told me caressing my hair a bit and then let go of me. I felt like I was five again.

"What shall I do!?"

"Step into the bathtube", she told me and so I did. I saw I still left urine drops on the floor, but Mom didn't seem to care, so I didn't mention it. Then she took the shower head and sprayed me top to bottom with warm water. My panties were soaked and I could make out the outlines of my pussy. It looked amazing which aroused me a bit.

"Here you can do the rest yourself", Mom said and handed me the shower head ripping me out of my short trance. I put it back in the showerhead holder.

"Oh, okay", I got out while she already went for the mop and started cleaning up the floor. I continued to shower myself.

"Don't forget the body wash", Mom noted before she finally left the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

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