6.19 Game Over - Comatose Condition

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Mack looked at me confused:

"Oh, no, sorry! I didn't mean to...no...I'm asking if it's still aching"

"Oh that! No, it's actually not that bad, don't worry about it", I returned embarrassed. Honestly I felt a slight stinging with every step I took, but I didn't want him to know.

"But I do. I'm so sorry for that. You should've told me I was too rough"

"But I didn't want to spoil your happiness..."

"No! Your health is more important", he cut me off.

"It's not..."

"Lyza!", he shouted at me and I was worried because he seldom referred to me by my full first name ^^


"You must take care of yourself! You're already handicapped with your arm and kidneys. You can't control your bladder. You don't want more problems, do you?"

"No...", I gave in disappointed.

"Okay then..."

"But just to explain myself. I came over because you wanted and needed this so I also wanted to deliver, okay? I really just wanted to give you an unhindered great time. I hope you appreciate that", I felt the need to add.

"Of course I do! Thank you so much for this again. How was your night?", he asked out of nowhere and I stopped walking.

"Oh, right, you don't know..."

"I don't know...what?", Mack asked curiously.

"Well, that's a long story. But the short version is: Mom and I had a fight, I ran away from home and slept at Jane's place", I summarized it for him. Mack looked at me baffled.

"Jesus what?!...you mean...the woman who backed you up yesterday?"


"But...why didn't you just come over then?", he asked irritated.

"Because you were in a comatose condition anyway, Mackie", I joked around.

"Well, there's some truth to that", he giggled abashed.

"Yeah, I couldn't take it anymore and ran down the streets like an idiot. I thought about returning, but then decided to ask her for help...I mean Jane...and...", I tried to explain it to him when I noticed Trisha standing at the bus stop with her back to us. I thought about how to get Mack's attention to her. So I stopped walking again and looked over at Trisha exaggeratedly. He couldn't have missed it ^^

"Hey Lyz, the brunette girl looks sorta familiar. Have I seen her before?", he instantly took the bait. I tried to play it down like it wasn't important at all.


"Who is she?", Mack mused.

"It's my classmate Trish"

"This is Trisha!?"

"Oh now you remember her?"

"I would've guessed that girl is at least one class higher, but never considered that it could actually be her. Trisha has changed a lot..."

"So you like her big boobs then?", I asked snappish and he couldn't help, but grin embarrassed.

"Oh, come on, Lyz. Yours will grow, too. There's no reason to envy her"

"But she drew your attention..."

"Because you were staring at her!", he tossed in and of course he had been right. I couldn't blame him for that ^^

"So you don't wanna touch her tits?", I didn't let up.

"Lyz, I'm not sure if you've realized this, but yours also grew bigger recently. You're looking fine"

"Why are you talking about me all the time? I asked you about her and her tits. Do you like them?", I asked him again and I could see him squirm.

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