4.5 Strike Three - Heartthrob

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I tippytoed down the hallways and tried to hide the wet patch with my hand. I jumped into a stall and locked the door behind me. I was sure no one had seen it. Well, except for the teacher of course. I pulled my pants and panties down and saw my thick yellow maxi pad. I instantly spotted where it had leaked and started to cry. The pad just couldn't keep my pee in it. I needed to be more careful for the rest of the day again. That's the thing when you think you figured it out. I stepped out of my burgundy pants and took off my dark blue panties. The pad went into the trash and the stained panties were exchanged for a pair of pink ones. I put in a fresh maxi pad and then started to dry my pants as good as I could. Meanwhile I almost forgot to pee and wipe my bum dry so I did and flushed the toilet. I pulled my pink panties up and kept the burgundy pants to my thighs to not ruin the panties early. Then I waited 'til I thought everybody had left the restroom. I unlocked the door and took a look around. There was indeed no one in the restroom except for me. I waddled straight to the hand dryer when suddenly Trisha and Paula entered. I paused for a second before I pulled my pants all the way up and fiddled with my pants button while both were staring at me. I got nervous and blushed.

"Are you alright?", Trisha asked.

"Yeah, it's just the stupid button. I guess I hadn't closed it properly", I tried to save the situation and started feeling wetness on my bum cheek.

"I don't get how you deal with such things with only one healthy arm anyway", Trisha wondered.

"Because I have no choice I guess...", I returned and we both laughed while I hid my wet bum from them.

"Okay, let me help you", Paula out of nowhere gave me a shout and pushed my hand away. I stood there watching helplessly as she pulled my pants at the sides up so I got my pee rubbed in and then she finally closed the button for me.

"Paula!", Trisha gasped.

"What? I couldn't watch her embarrass herself any longer. Gawking like an idiot won't help her, Trish", Paula defended her actions. I regained my composure and shielded my wet bum with my hands.

"Thanks, Paula", I smiled at her.

"You're welcome, Lyz. But now I need the toilet even more urgently", she muttered and walked to the stalls.

"Okay. Then see you later", Trisha said towards me and followed her. I made good use of the occasion by shaking my wet bum under the hand dryer until I heard them flush and then rushed out. My ass still felt a bit damp, but the pants were dry.

During the next lesson I went for the same strategy again - just a bit more careful. Then I had to get to the blackboard and so I quickly checked that my bum was dry. When I found no wet spot, I relaxed and got up. I dribbled a bit here and there, but all in all the hour went by flawless. Afterwards I just did a quick change in the restroom and then followed the others to the playground. I bit in my sandwich and thought once again I finally figured it out.

"Who are we gossipping about today?", Paula asked.

"Doesn't Mr. Rottenburger wear a real ugly turtleneck today?", Belinda suggested.

"Yeah even though today it's pretty warm outside...", Alex added.

"No, he's obviously still a bit sick. That's not right", Dave stepped in.

"Who then, Dave? Me again?", Paula challenged him.

"Let's say Lyza", he said and everyone looked at me while I stood there with my sandwich in my mouth.

"Lyz? Why her?", Trisha wondered.

"She seems to go to the loo every freakin' break", Dave explained. I tried to hide my shame behind my big second sandwich.

"How would YOU know, pretty boy?", Belinda prompted.

"Well, I got my sources", Dave returned and winked.

"So she goes to the restroom frequently. So what, Dave?", Alex defended me.

"Nothing I guess. You guys always want to chitchat about someone so I just picked her for no reason", Dave shrugged.

"Except you gave a reason and embarrassed her in front of our group", Alex added.

"Same shit you tried with me", Paula enforced.

"Oh, I see. Would you please forgive me, Miss Lyza?", Dave bowed down and kissed my lazy hand while the other one was still holding the sandwich. I blushed again and got weak in the knees. I tried to answer, but still had a nibble in my mouth. I tried to slug it down fast, but it got stuck in my throat and I coughed. I felt some pee trickle into my pad. Then I quickly nodded to him while I wished the ground would open and swallow me up.

"Are you okay, Lyz?", Alex asked.

"Yeah, I just choked on my food, sorry", I replied ashamed.

"And I thought my beauty had left you breathless", Dave chuckled and I winced.

"Dream on, blondie", Paula knocked him down a peg. Then the talk went back to other topics. I couldn't believe Paula of all people had saved me there. I unsuspiciously grabbed my bum, but it was of course still dry. I tried to weigh up if I needed to change the pad again, but then decided against it. I didn't like that my walks to the restroom would from now on be so conspicuous to everyone.

The break ended and we all went back in together. Mom had messaged me again and so I took a big sip from my bottle like I did before every lesson. After some minutes it came to my mind that I hadn't read the actual message.

"I'm so sorry, honey! I didn't know I actually made you wee the bed this morning when I pulled on you. Of course I'm taking care of the mess! Please forgive me :("

"Should have said sth, sry :( Thanks for cleaning up my stuff! <3"

"You're welcome P.S.: don't forget to drink! love you too! <3", she added and I couldn't believe how extremely lucky I was. I felt bad for exploiting her remorse, but this was my saving grace! I wouldn't need to tell Mom, yet, but could take my time. This also meant that I didn't need to fear she found out and that I could sleep in my own bed. Otherwise I think I would've shared a bed with Mack this time.

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