5.26 Uncaught - The Secret

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"I guess", was all I could say. I hadn't thought of this one before. I had never doubted I would return within a week or two, but suddenly here I was wearing diapers to school. Well, it could work if I managed to change clothes in a stall. Once the training would start everyone was walking around in wet swimsuits anyway ^^

On the last part of our way back I couldn't stop staring at her diapered bum. The fall seemed to have woken Belinda up a bit because she had went ahead fast and I could only follow. You would've guessed that in loose clothes the diaper would become invisible, but as soon as she was moving it became very obvious. I could only hope that mine wasn't. I would need to recheck my rear in motion ^^ I watched the students she was passing, but no one looked like he or she noticed. Once back at the nurse's room, she already knocked on the door while I caught up with her. Mrs. Osmond opened the door.

"Hey Belle, come in. How do you feel?"

"A bit better...", Belinda muttered and went straight through the curtain. The nurse looked a bit puzzled at me, but then just followed her.

"You're also already looking a lot better..."

"Gloria, I'm afraid I pooped myself again", Belinda cut her off in a low voice, but I could still hear every word.

"Oh no, Belle!", Mrs. Osmond answered upset.

"I'm really sorry. I tried to clean it up in the restroom"

"Good Lord, you really made a mess! But at least you wore protection I guess. Let's clean you up quickly", the nurse announced and I guessed she had just checked on the diaper.

"No, not yet! Just a minute...", Belinda declined before she suddenly appeared in front of the curtain again after a few seconds. She sort of waddled to me and gave me a big hug. The smell hit me, but now stronger again. I didn't think she noticed, but she wrapped herself so close around me that her thigh pushed a bit against my diapered crotch. This irritated me for a moment.

"I hope you're feeling a bit better", I quickly tried to save the situation.

"Yes, thanks to you, Lyz. I'm glad you came here. I think you painted me the way out of my misery", she explained with a smile that I could see once she let go of me.

"I hope so", I declared while I wished the badmouthing would never hit her. I had to think about Maureen - the girl Mack had been talking about. Up to this day I would have never guessed somebody older than three could have a real accident #2 except for a shart like the day before. And now I had heard about one and witnessed another the very same day. Diaper or not: I was begging the Lord to never have that happening to me period. That strange nightmare few nights ago still gave me the creeps.

"Thank you again and wish you a nice day!", she said good bye and turned around. I could see the diaper under her slacks wasn't even all the way up anymore while Belinda went through the curtain again.

Since I didn't want to eavesdrop again I quickly left the nurse's room. There was no time left to go to the playground, so I just headed straight back to our classroom. Originally I already wanted to eat a sandwich the break before, but once again I didn't feel like it. The disgusting smell had spoiled my appetite. So I just took another sip from my water bottle. When I got to my table I suddenly got touched from behind. A spurt of pee went into the diaper.

"Hey Lyz!", Trisha said with a big smile on her face.

"Hey, what's up?", I asked confused. Meanwhile Mrs. Henry already entered the classroom.

"Damn, I've been waiting for you the whole break", she said when she noticed the teacher. The school bell rang.

"But why, Trish?"

"I need to ask you something! But it's a secret so don't tell anyone! See you after the lesson, so don't run away again...", she told me rushed before rapidly dashing back to Paula when Mrs. Henry gave her another look. Before I knew the lesson had started and Mrs. Henry gave us tasks. What had Trisha wanted? I was really curious what it was all about. She wanted to ask me something. Well, couldn't she have just done that after all? How long does it take to ask a damn question? But yeah she also mentioned it was a secret. Did she notice my butt had suddenly gotten bigger? ^^ But then it wouldn't make sense that she also mentioned to me not to tell anyone about it. But about what? ^^ The lesson was boring and so it would take an eternity to find out. I was bored so much I started texting Mack instead:

"I'm fine thx for asking :) I'm so bored rn, whats up?"

"surprising test and I guess I blew it :( any exciting news?"

"nope, one of my friends got sick and another one teased me with a secret ^^"

"what secret?"

"don't know yet, she wants to tell me after class"

"and then you tell me"

"no way, it's a secret after all ^^"

"then why you tease me? >:("

"just shared my feelingz :) sry big boi"

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