3.4 Strike Two - The Moron

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The next lesson was Math. As soon as I sat down I noticed feeling a little wet again. Even though only a few drops went into the pad and I also wiped it, my pee wouldn't stay in it. I was sure when I still wore diapers at night I wasn't feeling wet in the morning even though I had wet myself. I came to the right conclusion that blood was thicker than urine and maybe this was the reason it wasn't working properly. Were diapers really that different? Suddenly I didn't feel that save anymore. Mom left the next message encouraging me that she was very proud of me. Well maybe she wouldn't have been that proud if she knew how much I had messed up. I had decided to drink later during the former lesson so it would be easier to reach the break. But with the same amount of intake it would still produce the same amount of urine in my kidney in the same amount of time. But my body hadn't even had enough time to process all the liquid intake when I peed next to Jenny. Unsuspectingly I opened the next bottle fifteen minutes into the lesson and took some sips. When Mr. Kota made me write a result on the blackboard and after I sat back down on my chair I felt a warmth that hadn't been there before. I was so suprised that I instinctively grabbed my crotch. Pushing the maxi pad against my skin made me feel not just the warmth but also the slight wetness and confirmed me that I must have leaked already. I was puzzled because it hadn't been more than five minutes since I drank water. Could it really been running through me this fast? I realized I dribbled some more drops and quickly tensed my bladder sphincter. I still had most of the lesson ahead of me. How was I going to survive this long? My desperation must have shown.

"Shh. Do you need help?", Jenny asked from behind.

"What?", I replied and feared I got caught.

"Do you need help with the tasks, Lyz?"

"Ah I see. Actually yes, the third one puzzles me", I told her to save the situation.

"Wait a minute. Ah yes it's 121 I think. Scratch that, I'm sure!", she proudly announced.

"Thanks, Jen!"

"You wanna know the fourth one, too?"

"Tell me"

"It's 63. And you're welcome"

"Great. That helped me a ton", I said and thought quite the opposite. I already had a hard time holding on. I tried to concentrate to figure out my situation. First of all I came to the conclusion that I was an idiot for thinking I found a shortcut with my delayed drinking strategy. But clearing this up didn't only help me to understand how I got desperate so quick, but also why and what I could do about it. Since it was only the leftover pee from the lesson before it couldn't be very much. After all the whole time I was only peeing little amounts. So despite having a hard time holding on I wasn't going to pee a gallon, not even a pint, but only very few ounces. Also I didn't need to leak the whole content of my bladder, but just enough to lower the pressure a little. This meant I'd be leaking even less. This was the theory. In practice it felt like I was holding back a whole water dispenser. I came to the conclusion that I could just let go a bit and escape from this situation while the maxi pad would absorb the pee, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, to let go. I feared something would go wrong and just by that thought I started to cry a bit. I put my hand on my mouth to not raise any suspicion. But I also knew there was no way I'd make it to the break. I could only hope that a fire started or that the principal called either the teacher Mr. Kota or me into his office so I could rush to the loo. But even if that happened right away I wouldn't have been able to make it to the toilet anyway. That was a fact. After only a few more seconds a spasm hit me and I lost it. I regained control as fast as possible, but panic hit me. The battle was already lost. My crotch felt warm and wet again. I rechecked that the outside was indeed dry and it was. In agony and pain I closed my eyes and carefully gave in. I could feel a small puddle of piss building slowly around my pussy.

"Are you sleeping, Lyza!?", a loud voice suddenly called and I made a jump. I ripped my eyes open and saw Mr. Kota stare at me angrily.

"...What?...No...I'm thinking about the tasks...", I quickly made up while I tried to stop weeing. But I couldn't because I was still shivering from the scare.

"Let's see what you got", he replied and walked around my table to my side. Mr. Kota had already been reading my calculuses while I was still peeing myself right next to him. I needed to stop this! I squeezed my eyes shut again and tensed my sphincter with everything I got to finally stop the trickling. My vagina was drowning in the puddle.

"This actually doesn't look too bad, Lyza. But if I were you I'd rethink the result of the first task...", he brooded over my sheet.

"Ah yes, that's exactly what I was doing", I returned with a big fake smile as I noticed that the puddle was slowly getting smaller.

"Okay then. Good work, Lyza", Mr. Kota replied and walked up to the next student.

I exhaled in relieve and checked my situation. The pressure was gone and my hand couldn't find any wetness on my leggings, but the maxi pad was significantly swollen.

"Hey Lyz", Jenny whispered from behind. I wiped over my eyes and tried to turn around as calm as still possible even though the now very thick maxi pad pushed its wetness into my pussy.

"Yeah Jen?"

"Sounds like you got number five right. What do you have there?"

"108", I looked up.

"Jeez", she moaned in despair.

"The last step is just 9 times 12. We can take a look at the tasks together after class if you want", I offered her.

"I'd love to, thanks!", she said with joy and lit up.

"It's my pleasure. And you can show me how you got number 3 and 4 figured out", I played along even though I didn't really need her help.

"Deal!", she smiled at me and it felt really like we got besties within less than two days. Since the start of last year I didn't have a close friend in school anymore. I only had Mack and he went to high school last year. Also we basically only became good friends because we lived next to each other. Jenny liked me despite living at a different place.

In the meantime I could already smell my next problem. Literally! It smelled like pee and the source must have been of course me. I grabbed the perfume I got with me and sprayed it several times right onto my crotch. It wasn't very subtle and quite obvious to everyone I had used a perfume, but better than them finding out I pissed myself, right? I got a few looks but didn't care. By the end of the lesson I noticed that my cooled down pad got warm again. I tried to hold on a bit, but was just too exhausted to fight and dribbled a bit. Suddenly my bum felt wet in a place where there was no pad! I instantly stopped peeing again and tried to avoid another panic attack. I grabbed my butt as unsuspicious as possible and while pretending to scratch it I tried to feel for wetness. There was actually a wet patch on my bum. The maxi pad had leaked on my leggings. I had peed my pants! And to make matters worse I couldn't really hold on any longer. My sphincter was so exhausted that I had to give in and dribble a bit more until the burning pain stopped. Meanwhile the bell rang and Mr. Kota stormed out of the room to get a cigarette. I felt my bum become wetter. Yesterday no one could make out my wet leggings in the gym anyway I thought, so I should get away with it. No, Trisha found out when standing close to me in the locker room. The sweat excuse wouldn't work this time. Finally the dribbling stopped on its own. My bladder was now emptied enough. On the flipside my ass was drenched in pee! I saw the others get up and they already started to leave for the next class while I still sat in my own pee. Jenny walked by me and was waiting for me to get up. I pretended to message someone on the phone and told her I'd come after her and she didn't need to wait. At first I feared she would insist to wait for me, but she gladly didn't.

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