6.39 Game Over - Childish Panties

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"Mom, can you please go away and do something else? This is weird...", I told her and knew I wouldn't be able to hold it any longer. My legs were already shaking.

"You already faced me in wet jeans and diapers and you think this weird?", she questioned my statement, but even though I didn't exactly see it her way, I had no other choice, but to quickly crouch down and tinkle into the bucket. I tried to do this as covertly as possible, but due to the sound of urine drops hitting the metal bucket Mom could've counted every single drop without looking at it anyway ^^ Once I was finished Mom came over.

"No, don't look at it..."

"That's not an awful lot, honey", she noted dismissively.

"MOM!", I complained, but she just shrugged it off.

"Don't worry about it, hun. Everything is fine"

"If you say so...", I returned annoyed and got up. Mom instantly grabbed my crotch with a wet cloth I hadn't noticed earlier and wiped it clean. I didn't like it because I once more felt belittled.

"Almost done, now show me your backside", she commanded me and I turned away from her. She carefully wiped my butt cheeks before eventually pulling the cloth through my butt crack. This felt very uncomfortable.

"Ouch Mom..."

"Sorry, hun, but now we're finally done", she told me with a smile and I didn't dare to look at the cloth after that again ^^ Instead I grabbed the towel I had brought outside with me, wrapped myself in it and hurried back inside. On my way I quickly glanced over to Mack's house, but there still wasn't anyone. This was really odd. I thought about texting him when all of a sudden Mom joined me from behind. This made me jump.


"Oh, sorry", she said and giggled because I had instinctively crossed my legs and held my crotch.

"Not funny..."

"Sorry, hun. Can we talk?"

"About what?"

"How...we're gonna continue with your...special...situation..."


"I'd say let's take a walk and we'll discuss things a bit, honey"

"Okay, Mom. Just give me a minute to get dressed..."

"But please let you skin heal a bit longer"

"What does that mean?"

"I guess best would be a dress or skirt and just a soft pair of panties underneath"

"What do you mean by soft?"


"What? I don't think I have any", I complained and Mom went to my room to check the drawers.

"You got some older ones, but I remember these were too big back then so they should fit", Mom told me when I got there and held up a pair of white childish panties featuring red, orange and pink hearts.

"You can't be serious, Mom. And what about...you know...my..."


"My...my protection...", I stammered and somehow couldn't spell the d-word anymore.

"Let your skin heal a bit longer"

"But, Mom, don't you understand that I can't hold my water?"

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