5.72 Uncaught - Better Solution

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"Are you sure your bladder was even emptied then?", Jane asked.

"Yes. I tried to squeeze out more several times, but to no avail. And then after sleeping I noticed my bladder was really full. I guess it works at night because lying down the weight of it doesn't press on the sphincter. But once I get up I need to hurry to the toilet or else I'll make a mess"

"So that's why you were always running around the house?", Mom asked.

"Yes I'm afraid"

"Sounds like you had a horrible experience, poor thing", Jane added sympathetic.

"Even worse was when I realized I wouldn't be able to go to the toilet every few minutes at school. That's when I came up with using maxi pads as protection until I learned the hard way that those don't work well with urine...", I told them with a grim sense of humor.

"They don't?", Jane wondered.

"No, they might protect you a bit, but they can't keep it in. I felt wet the whole time even though I was changing into fresh pads as often as possible. And if I hadn't worn dark pants I would've been exposed in no time because they were also leaking. That's when I made a plan to buy diapers. Ridiculous idea, I know, but I thought it was my only way out of this nightmare. I know I should've just told you, Mom, but I couldn't...not yet...and I was still hoping the water and the medicine would eventually fix this problem..."

"I'm able to relate to your situation, hun. But the more I do the more I wished you would've just told me about it the moment you suspected something was off, you know?", Mom explained with a sad face.

"I know..."

"Where were you even getting the money from? I thought you were broke", Mom wondered and I hesitated.

"Well, I asked Mack for it..."

"What? You asked Magnus? So he gave you money?", Mom asked me further and I noticed I had made a mistake. But since I didn't want to lie anymore anyway, it was better that way.

"Yes he did"

"Did he know what it was for??"

"Yeah...Mack...he even accompanied me and helped me buying them...", I admitted.

"So you didn't tell ME, but you told HIM!?", Mom asked appalled.

"It was sort of hard to hide from him when all of a sudden I needed to pee several times on my way to school. I for one was glad he didn't laugh at me, but offered me his help instead..."

"Yes, he's really a great boy", Mom agreed for once.

"Must have been really embarrassing to admit in front of your friend", Jane noted.

"Yeah, amen to that", I responded and laid my head on her shoulder.

"So where are we at? You wanna wear diapers. Is that what this is all about?", Mom asked snippy.

"Mrs. Anderson, with all due respect...please give your girl a break...she's all in tears...", Jane tried to defend me, but I wiped my tears away and cut her off.

"Thanks, Jane, but it's okay. Mom, I don't WANT to wear diapers. I'd rather want to walk around carelessly like a healthy girl..."

"There has got to be a better solution than wearing diapers. I'd understand if you only wore them to bed, but at school? No, that's just wrong...", Mom said sulky.

"But WHY? I wore them to school today and after so much struggle during the last days I was finally able to focus on learning and having fun with my classmates. It surely felt a bit strange at first, but then it was just so relieving not to be afraid anymore of pissing my pants in public all the time!"

"So you're telling me you're wearing a diaper like...right now?", Mom asked skeptical.

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