5.18 Uncaught - Sound Scattering

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"...I...I don't know...", Belinda said after hesitating again. In the corner of my eye I could see Chuck - the boy who was sitting behind her - wrinkle his nose.

"Chuck, please get the nurse!", Mrs. Henry ordered him before turning back to Belinda. The teacher started rubbing her back. Tears ran through the fingers that covered Belinda's face. I felt bad for her. These moments felt like an eternity so I just got up and walked over to them.

"Hey Belinda, what's wrong?", I asked her and she suddenly spread her fingers to see me.

"No, Lyz, please stay away...don't come here!", she pleaded desperately with fear in her wet eyes. I tried to calm her with a gesture.

"Don't worry, Belinda. It's okay", I told her when suddenly the smell hit me. Mrs. Henry quickly opened a window. I hoped it was really just a smelly fart.

"I feel sick...", Belinda confessed.

"Gloria will be here any minute to take care of you. You hear me?"


"Try to think about something else. What may Max be doing right now?", I asked her and her intense expression relaxed for a moment.

"Drooling onto my shoes I guess", she returned with a bright smile on her teary-eyed face.

"We will get you there quickly, okay?", I assured her.

"Okay, thank you", she only whispered because the pain had returned. I could hear a quiet sound coming from under her skirt. Her eyes met mine and she blushed on her pale face. Gladly Mrs. Henry had already returned to her desk and started talking to the other students about the text so they couldn't have heard it I hoped. Belinda started shaking.

"Hang on! Do it for Max!", I tried to cheer her up when finally Chuck returned with the nurse. She and Mrs. Henry both joined us.

"I don't know what happened. She's pale and seems to be in pain", the teacher explained.

"I see. Belinda, can you hear me?", the nurse asked and started touching her face and her forehead to check the temperature.

"Of course, Gloria", Belinda returned, but sounded really weak.

"I don't think she will be able to visit Mr. Rottenburger with the rest of the class", Mrs. Henry noted and I found her comment to be really out of place. The nurse gave her a look before taking care of Belinda again. The latter suddenly looked even more worried and bent over again with both hands on her stomach. It looked like she was close to passing out.

"Come on, Belle. Let's get you to my room", the nurse told Belinda and pulled her up from the chair. I noticed there was a brown spot where she had sat. I couldn't believe my eyes. This nice geeky girl had just shit herself. I panicked. I didn't want anyone else to see so I quickly pulled out a tissue and stealthily wiped it away in one swing before following them.

"Are you accompanying them?", Mrs. Henry asked while I quickly hid the dirty tissue in my hands.

"Yes, of course"

"Fine. But hurry up", she insisted. I ignored her and instead threw Belinda's other arm over my neck to support her.

It was a long walk to Mrs. Osmond's room.

"Do you need to use the bathroom?", the nurse asked her when passing by the toilets.

"I'm sorry", was all Belinda managed to say. She was still very pale. Mrs. Osmond didn't ask again and just skipped the girl's toilets altogether.

"Did you eat something bad, Belinda?"

"No", Belinda returned.

"But what's wrong with you then?", the nurse asked when we finally arrived in her office.

"I don't know...it's just...I can't stop thinking about yesterday...Mr. Rottenburger...his pale face...", she explained in a low voice.

"Oh, I understand. You should have taken the day off, sweetheart", the nurse told her while we were heaving her onto the medical couch.

"No, we gotta stick together, you know...", Belinda returned and as soon as she had been laying down, her talking got more clearer again. She managed to relax a bit after all. Since she was laying on her back I could now see a bit under her skirt. There was a big bulging brown stain on the back of her mint-green panties. On a closer look the fabric was actually glistening and a dark green spot grew out of the other.

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