4.14 Strike Three - Tempting Offers

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"Oh no, sweetheart. Don't cry again. Do you feel wet?"

"Yes", I sobbed.

"You need to get out of your wet diaper as fast as possible, Lyza. I can offer you a towel from my trunk. I have my car in the lot just across the street and would change you and drive you home instead so you can take a bath and get a fresh diaper. Is your mother at home?", she asked.

"No...I mean yes...but...but...but she doesn't knoooow", I sobbed into her shirt.

"Your mother doesn't know you wear diapers? Does she neglect you?"

"No!...but it's...it's complicated...she doesn't know YET...you know?"

"But what's so complicated about it? To me it sounds like you just accidentally pooped your diaper, too, and are afraid to be found out", she tried a shot in the dark.

"No! At least I hope I didn't", I denied.

"But you don't know how to tell your mother about your wetting problems?"


"Are you afraid of telling her?"


"But you don't need to"

"How would you know?"

"She's your mother after all! She loves you although you might not always feel like it. It's a big responsibility you know? But I know you for not even an hour and I see she already did a great job raising you. Trust me, she loves you more than anything in the world!", she told me with a big smile.

"I guess you're right"

"I am! But I don't want to leave you alone as long as you're sad. So I'll write you down my number so you can call me. I'm Jane", she told me and wrote her name and number on a piece of paper.

"Wow, this is really nice", I said staggered and took it. She giggled again.

"You're welcome, Lyza. You're so cute! And do you want me to change your diaper? You can keep the towel and dump it later", she offered me. I loved the thought of her taking care of me. I imagined how she pulled my pants and panties down to my knees and ripped the diaper open exposing my wet crotch. Then she would've wiped me carefully with a tissue and put a thick terry cloth towel on my pussy and bum before pulling my panties and jeans over it. I would've felt so much better even though the towel would've barely helped at all. But I didn't want to impose on her kindness.

"This sounds very tempting and I'm really grateful for your offer, but I can't take it. The nurse already volunteered to help me with a change if I needed one. And as you can see I do", I explained and blushed.

"You're very mature for your age. I admire you", she said in awe.

"How mature can I be when I'm still peeing my pants all the time?"

"You're making your own decisions and taking care of yourself rather than just exploiting everyone who's kind enough to help you. When I imagine it was the other way around, at your age I would've milked the offer and taken the ride. Maybe I would've even gone further and let you fight the battle with my mother for me, you know?", she giggled.

"You would?", I asked astonished.

"But of course. That's why I'm saying you're very mature. Peeing your pants or having big breasts has nothing to do with it, but how you are taking care of yourself. Or how I take care of my boy John. It's very similar", she told me with a proud look on her face.

"And would you admire me any less, if I still called you for the battle, though?", I asked shyly with a wink.

"But absolutely not! It's also a mature decision to ask somebody for help instead of entering a hopeless battle all alone", she returned and smiled at me.

"Wow, you really cheered me up. Thank you soo much!"

"It was my pleasure. You're so sweet. It was a real treat. Don't forget to call me!"

"I will!", I assured and we embraced once more before she turned around to look for her son. He was playing in the sandpit. I was so close to her I could see she was actually wearing a pad herself. Its outlines and the pantylines of her white panties were clearly visible for me on her bum through her slightly see-through white pants. I thought about asking her about it, but then she already started walking towards her boy.

"Is she feeling better?", I could hear him ask.

"Maybe a little bit"

"But why didn't you help her? She can have my pants!", John confronted her angrily and I giggled.

"Oh, that's really nice of you. Trust me, I did as good as I could. But some things just take some time"

"Will she recover?", he asked concerned.

"Yes, Johnny, of course she will", she told him and they waved towards me. I waved back with a smile and walked to the school entrance.

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