2.7 Strike One - AM Showers

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Since I had already been butt naked she turned away and opened her bra. By the time we had talked her panties dried a bit and I could make out a yellowish stain staring at me from her otherwise white panties. Not that I needed any evidence to confirm her story, but it somehow comforted me that I wasn't the only one who had pissed herself. In yellow stained panties she didn't look that sexy anymore. When she finally dropped her panties she noticed the yellow stain and quickly looked at me. I pretended to be busy putting my wet clothes into a plastic bag. When she continued to look at me I turned to her. She hid the panties behind her back.

"Now let's finally clean up! Are you ready?", she asked and I nodded. When I turned to walk to the showers I could see her in the corner of my eye panicky stuff the dirty panties into her bag.

Once we were taking the shower I got a good glimpse of her beautiful body. I envied her and prayed I'd one day look like this. I instantly had a crush on her. How the water drops rolled down her tits looked fantastic to me.

"I hope I'm not making you feel uncomfortable?", she worried.

"Only a bit. Of course I envy how mature you already look."

"You do? I mean I used to think the same when I first noticed the growth in the mirror but right now I just learned it's more of the opposite"

"What do you mean? What is the opposite?"

"I learned I'm still a little girl trapped in the body of a woman. I mean I just peed my panties! In front of my classmates and an adult male teacher! Thus I envy you and others who still look more like the girl I feel I am, you know? I like your body. I like it a lot and would switch bodies with you in a heartbeat, believe me. I'm not yet ready to be judged by higher standards if you know what I mean..."

"Yeah I think I get it", I replied and I think she was right with her judgment. I was still a girl even though my breasts had started to grow. But this also meant I needed to get rid of these wetting problems before I became a woman myself! But spoiler alert: I didnt't! Speaking of them problems, I noticed I had already been slowly leaking a bit. But who cared in the shower anyway? So I pushed a little in an attempt to empty my bladder in foresight.

"What happened to your pubic hair?", I was curious. I felt it was strange that I had a little bush down there and she didn't.

"Well what do you think? I shaved it"


"For hygienic reasons. Body odors get stuck in the little hair"

"Ah I see. Hey Trisha, I don't have any spare underwear. Do you?"


"So what do you do?"

"Since I don't have any fresh I guess I won't wear any"

"Yo for real!?"

"Yeah why not? I'll just pull on my red pants and my grey shirt. They won't show"

"Damnit I'm wearing a skirt today!", I shouted and wanted to add that I also tinkled freaking urine. I couldn't stay naked below the waist!

"Just cross your legs. I'm sorry I can't help you there.", was her only reply.

We got out of the shower and dried our bodies with the towels. I put on my shirt and skirt while Trisha put on her shirt and pulled up her red pants. I couldn't tell she wasn't wearing her bra but I could see the curve of her pussy in the crotch of her hot red pants.

"Flash your skirt for me!", she giggled.

"You're nuts", I joined.

"Maybe? Come on, do it!", she insisted and I lifted my skirt and then spun around quickly sending the skirt flying.

"Believe me or not but you ARE already sexy, Lyz", she told me, thanked me once again and then left the locker room. After Trisha left I thought about the underwear. Then I came up with the only possible plan. I recovered my light-blue panties from the bag and washed them in the sink. I used the hand soap as well as my body wash to clean them up as good as possible. After maybe two minutes I had a pair of good smelling clean but wet panties. Then I took my towel and tried to rub them as dry as possible. The rest was on the hand dryer. After another three minutes I recovered a fresh pair of panties. I slipped into my warm briefs and it felt good. They were still a bit damp in places but that wouldn't matter anyway, right? ^^ As bad as some of the day went I was proud I got the job done!

When I left the gym Jenny was still waiting outside. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"Were you waiting for me, Jen?"

"Yeah, sure. Why not?", she smiled.

"Oh, if I knew I would've hurried up a bit."

"Don't worry. It wasn't your choice Mr. Jentz wanted to talk to you once more."

"Oh no, he just checked on me. That wasn't what took so long. Trisha and I were too wet from all the sweat to return to the classroom and decided to take a shower first", I explained and she looked somewhat disappointed.

"This explains why Paula left early and that Trish came out just 10 minutes ago. Normally the two are inseparable like Siamese twins", she tried to lighten the mood a bit giggling, but she felt obviously a bit ruled out. Again, we never had any closer interactions before today. There had always been other friends around. But now I got the feeling like she wanted us to become besties and I actually liked this ^^ So I took my courage in both hands.

"But you know why I did this, right?", I asked her conspiratorial in a low voice.

"What do you mean?", she whispered back confused, but was now curious.

"It was a chance to finally fix something", I chuckled and lifted my skirt to show her my now perfectly clean panties. She lit up.

"Woah, how did you do that? Did you take them with you under the shower?"

"No, Trish would have seen it then, Jen. But after she left I washed them with soap in the sink and then blew 'em dry with the hand dryer", I said and we both laughed.

"I'm glad you feel better!"

"Yeah, thanks. And while we're talking: Can you smell it?"

"Smell what? I thought you washed them out"

"I'm talking about your perfume", I replied and she started sniffing.

"But you didn't need it anymore"

"I know but I liked it and so I sprayed myself", I told her and got a big smile in return. We then walked to the next class together. Just in case I made another stop at the restrooms, but literally nothing came out of it ^^ The two left classes went without any incidents. I checked my crotch several times because I didn't receive any more signals from my body, but the panties stayed dry. I must have run out of water. Meanwhile I texted with Mack and suggested we could walk home together because my classes ended early. He asked for a service in return for stopping by and so I would pay for his meal at the Asian diner on the way home. I could've just went home on my own and save the bucks, but after all the trouble I was exhausted and needed him to light me up a bit.

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