6.1 Game Over - Irritation

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When I woke up it was already light outside. After a few seconds I noticed I had fallen asleep reading for John. The book was still on my chest and John in my arm. I couldn't help but smile. I carefully got up without waking up John and left his room. I found my stuff in the main room of the flat. I took my phone and saw I had two messages by Mom. One was from the evening before and said she was really sorry. In the second one she reminded me to return home to pick up my sports clothes for gym class. Jane must have been sleeping in her bed room, but its door was closed. So I left a note on the table, grabbed my bag and walked home. It was a beautiful morning with a clear blue sky. I still had plenty of time so I just strolled through the landscape and enjoyed the nice weather.

Once home I unlocked the door and went into the kitchen. Mom wasn't around, so it must have still been too early for her. So after checking the living room I walked up the stairs and entered my door. I expected my room to still be a mess, but I couldn't have been farther from the truth. It was tidied up perfectly. All my clothes and stuff were removed from the floor. But then I noticed something odd: I had a new bed! My futon was gone and in its place was a classic bed surrounded by wooden bedposts. How the hell had she been able to change that so quickly!? Blanket and pillow were white with a pink flowery pattern. Both looked very soft and comfortable. Teddy was also there sitting on the pillow. The irritation faded quickly and got replaced by a need for comfort ^^ But I couldn't give in, yet, because I noticed another difference. My desk was gone and also the computer that had been on top of it. In its place were cute plastic toys and plushies. How'd she know I still loved plushies? Maybe she had caught me hugging Teddy some time ago. But I still needed my computer. A lot of my school stuff was on it along with some games. The only thing big enough to fit it in was my wardrobe. So I glanced inside, but quickly closed it again when it obviously wasn't there. The missing computer kept preying on my mind so I exited my room and got to my parent's bedroom. Suddenly Mom got up and hugged me.

"Honey, you're finally back! I was so worried!"

"I'm sorry, Mom. And I'm sorry I stormed out"

"We were both psyched up. Don't worry, hun", she assured me and let go of me. I looked at her and noticed she was already wearing her glasses and had made her hair. Had she already been expecting me?

"But Mom, what happened to my desk? I need the computer..."

"Oh, you've already seen your new room? I really hope you like it"

"Er...yes...it's great..."

"Then come with me. I bet you need a fresh diaper, honey", she kissed me on the forehead and led me back to my room. I was glad she finally was open about my diaper problem.

"Do I not need to go to the bathroom first to clean myself up and use...?", I wondered to which she chuckled.

"No, I got you everything here. Just doff your clothes and lay down on your bed", she commanded me and so I did. Mom got to my wardrobe and returned with a bunch of different stuff. First she opened my diaper and wiped my private area with some wet wipes. When she noticed I was watching her she handed me Teddy and so I started cuddling him instead. Then she rolled the dirty diaper up and put a new one under my bum. It looked different than the ones I had bought, but I somehow couldn't bring myself to talk about it, but just continued playing with Teddy instead. Meanwhile Mom powdered my crotch and bum and closed the diaper. In the corner of my eye I saw her hold plastic panties and she put those over my white diapers. This finally got me curious enough to put Teddy aside only to see her close a lock that hung on a strap that was connected to my plastic panties.

"Mom, what are you doing?", I asked her all confused.

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