4.25 Strike Three - The Farm

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Some minutes later I was on my way back. I passed the cinema and the other market again. Once out of town I took a look around to see if anyone was around. Then I opened my jeans and pulled them and panties and the diaper down. I could see I was already dripping a bit from my pussy again. It was about time! I squatted and squeezed some drops out while staring at the thick yellow padding between my knees. There was also a light brown shadow on it. That wasn't too surprising since the thick padding was rubbing with urine against my crotch and butt like a washcloth with water ^^ I thought about wiping myself with the wet-wipes I got, but found it to be pointless as I'd be dirty within seconds again. So I just pulled my clothes back up and walked further down my path. After another ten minutes I came to the abandoned farm. Its owner had left our county years ago and sometimes teenagers partied there to drink beer and smoke pot without getting into trouble. By daylight it was just deserted. Mack and I used to explore the property when bored after school. So I knew there were some spots that couldn't be seen from the path since there were brick walls covering them. I walked around the farm and to my delight I noticed a meadow that had been mowed maybe a week ago. This wasn't too uncommon since some people mowed them to make hay. I went behind the wall and looked around. This was perfect. No one could see me, but I could hear anyone who walked the path. I took my shoes and socks off and grabbed the grass with my toes. I always liked that feeling. Then I undressed my jeans and panties until I stood there in just my shirt and my diaper.

"Finally I can dump you", I threatened the diaper and tried to rip the sides open. But due to my lazy elbow I just couldn't do it and eventually just pulled them down and stepped out of it. Not the dramatic devastation I had wanted, but I was free at last ^^ I could feel a breeze tickle my pussy and I looked down at my crotch. I could see that my vagina was already shriveled from the wetness and my bum was the same as I noticed by touching my naked butt. I took out the wet-wipes and cleaned myself up. Another five minutes later I was laying in the grass and looking at the clouds. I was touching my pussy, but not in a sexual way. I still just had a hard time believing I was finally dry and clean again after so many hours. Touching my own bum never felt that good either. I stretched my arm out and grabbed my backpack. Then I pulled the packaging out and started reading its imprinted information. I was smiling the whole time because everything on there told me I would be safe when wearing them. They were for heavy wettings, had boundaries against leaking, would mask the smell and so on. It even said I could take a dump in them, but I just hoped I would never have to exploit that feature ^^ After I was done reading I took a look at the images. It was only then that I noticed something was wrong. Okay, maybe it wasn't wrong per se, but it was different than what I expected. My expectation was that I again could just step into them and pull them up like my panties, but the pictures on the packaging described something different. I recalled the clerk wanting me to look at them first to make sure I understood them and suddenly that made sense. I got a bit nervous and tried to figure out the manual. To my relieve I noticed it wasn't difficult at all, but just the old school way of applying diapers by wrapping them around like fancy paper and then taping them together. I pulled one out of the pack and unfolded it. I was glad to find out that the tape was already included and attached. In hindsight this was quite a funny thought ^^ I sniffed at it and it smelled a bit like plastic. Then I noticed that the outside was indeed a huge plastic sheet. Once unfolded entirely the diaper looked huge. I feared it would be too big for me. But then I wrapped it around my bum and crotch as a test and to my delight it was actually pretty neat.

"Must be one of those tricks of the light", I said even though no one was listening. But I couldn't get the diaper to stay in its place to attach the tapes. After fiddling around for a minute it slipped through my fingers and dropped to the ground. I was confused and took a look at the packaging again. I noticed the fingers attaching the diaper weren't those of the person wearing the diaper. Did that mean that I wouldn't be able to diaper myself? Hard to imagine that all the old people were actually getting diapered by others. Then I was thinking about it again and came to the conclusion that I needed to jam the diaper somewhere so I had my hands free to tape it. The description was showing a standing version as well as a laying one. So I laid down on the grass, fiddled the diaper under my bum and pulled the front up between my legs like described by the images. This was already hard due to the limitations of my left arm. But now I couldn't even reach the tapes on the left side anymore. I raised my upper body and after some further fiddling rested on my lazy left elbow to finally reach the tapes. But now I wasn't able to close the diaper anymore since my belly was in an awkward position. I tried to drop down on my back again holding on to the wing and succeeded even though I hit my head on the ground. I tried to grab the tape with my left hand, but it was impossible so I had to hold on to the wing with my right hand. I wiggled around on my butt to get the backside of the diaper back into the right position and tried to position the front with my left forearm like it was a stump. It was a frustrating process and in the end I held the wing with my pinky and ring fingers of the right arm and walked it into position with the remaining fingers while the lazy elbow just fixed the front like a paperweight. Once in position I was still holding onto the wing while I was trying to lose the tape with said remaining fingers to attach it onto the front of the diaper. I sweated and cried, but then just stuck it to what I thought was a decent position. I was already breathing heavily. Compared to the left attaching the right-hand side was a walk in the park. I looked at it proudly. It had wrinkles everywhere and I started getting some doubts. While getting back on my feet I quickly noticed how lose it was and as soon as I stood straight it dropped back down to ground. I couldn't believe it. After all the suffering I had finally been feeling relieved and now I couldn't attach the damn thing!?

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