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The top white lotus starred in [Crossing Books]

Chapter 1

    In the empty VIP ward, the windows were slightly opened.

    Under the breeze, the pure white curtains fluttered one by one, just like the fate of some people, clean and pure, but also like duckweed.

    The little assistant who had been with Ruxi not long ago was sent to pack up her belongings.

    With red eye circles, as soon as she opened the door and came in, she looked around and saw the same room as Ruxi's before she was alive, and couldn't help but started to sob again.

    The team has already issued an obituary, and those fans who have been in fear for many days, don't know how many times they will faint.

    Since Ruxi was diagnosed with the disease, everyone in the circle has been watching her condition closely.

    Several friends even turned down many announcements, and whenever they were free, they would stay by Ruxi's side.

    On the day of the operation, they watched Ruxi being pushed in with their own eyes.

    But when he came out, he was in a dying state.

    The surgeon in charge told them with great regret that the operation failed and that Ru Xi was in very bad condition and would be sent to the ICU.

    This result did not meet everyone's expectations.

    The irritable Liu Xun almost punched the doctor in the face, but fortunately Ruxi's manager reacted quickly and stopped him in a hurry and grief.

    Dissuaded by the people around him, he had to clenched his fists.

    Ruxi's life is so beautiful, no one would be willing to let her body be stained with dirt.

    After a few days, Ruxi was still gone.

    The people around were devastated, but Ru Xi, who was floating in the air, only sighed softly.

    Her life was smooth and smooth, and she was able to climb to such a high position as an orphan, and she did not know how many people envied her.

    It's not going well, it's really not going well.

    Both of his parents died when he was young, and he managed to reach a high position in the entertainment industry, but he died before he turned twenty-six due to a heart attack.

    She was the one who turned a bad hand into a king bomb, and it was also her who ended up regretting it.

    It's not that there is no reluctance, but what's the use? For a dead person, self-restraint and ambition no longer matter.

    Before she died, leaving an unforgettable smile for everyone so that they would not forget her in the days to come was the only thing she could do.

    Ru Xi thought, after a while, her soul should be dissipated.

    As soon as she closed her eyes, she suddenly felt that there seemed to be something extra around her.

    Thinking it was her own illusion, she just floated quietly without moving.

    Only at this moment, a polite and soft voice came into her ears, "You... how are you?"

    Only then did Ru Xi open her eyes and look towards the source of the voice.

    It is a translucent virtual panel, just like the one designed in many science fiction movies.

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