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Chapter 102

    I don't know if it's because of psychological effects or what, in the dream, Ruxi's past life and present life merged together.

    All friends expressed their congratulations to her.

    Seeing their concerned expressions, Ru Xi was very moved, but just looking at them, she felt that they seemed to have changed faces.

    It was just in the dream, she soon forgot the feeling.

    The dream was supposed to continue, but Ruxi suddenly woke up from the dream when she heard a knock on the door.

    Looking back suddenly, I realized that this was in a hotel.

    Yesterday she came to Wan City to participate in the Phoenix Awards Ceremony, and she got the best actress as she wished, and even asked the Phoenix Awards judges to add a special award for her.

    A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

    She got up to open the door, and soon completely forgot about the dream before waking up.

    It turned out to be Zhou Qing.

    "Good morning, Xixi, did you sleep well yesterday? I'm here to pack your things for you, and you have to catch a plane later."

    Seeing her, the other party showed a bright smile.

    Zhou Qing is not young anymore, her usual expression is mostly steady, she will look like she is many years younger.

    Ru Xi understands that she should be immersed in the joy of winning the award yesterday.

    "Morning sister Qing, come in quickly." Ru Xi hurriedly stepped aside and went to wash up.

    When she rushed to the airport with her team, many fans came outside to see off the plane.

    It is no exaggeration, the moment I saw Ruxi, the square was almost lifted by their screams.

    The airport security guard on the side thought he was used to it.

    Several stars in front boarded the plane here, and the scene was very lively.

    It was only after seeing this time that I realized that it was nothing but a big witch.

    One of the security guards quietly asked the other security guard, "Did you see who is coming?" The

    other security guard had better eyesight, and at a glance, he saw the big star surrounded by crowds.

    Her fans were very excited, and they wanted to squeeze towards her one by one, making it difficult for her to move even when she was surrounded by bodyguards and others.

    "This isn't the one who swiped the screen in Moments last night... Who is that..." The security guard saw it, but unfortunately, he who didn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry suddenly forgot Ruxi's name.

    His colleague was otherwise, and immediately concluded: "The new actress Ruxi!"

    He seemed a little excited, and tried to look over there, trying to see her face clearly, but unfortunately his eyesight did not allow it.

    At this time, he began to envy the group of fans outside.

    His colleague asked curiously, "Are you her fan too?"

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