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Chapter 6

    Ruxi Jiren not only looked at his face, but also recognized He Wenxiu from the very first moment he saw him.

    She and Zhou Qing had just come out of the restaurant, and there was no concealment on their faces for the time being. He Wenxiu must have noticed her at a glance, so she went to the sunglasses.

    Apart from him and the people he brought, there were only Ru Xi and the others present.

    The heroine Ning Lu was not there, so He Wenxiu did not hide his stern eyes on Ru Xi.

    However, Ruxi still didn't seem to understand his expression, she just smiled and nodded at him, and glanced at his white shirt by the way.

    Zhou Qing on the side was a little confused about the situation, and looked at Ruxi worriedly, but found that she was unusually calm.

    After nodding to He Wenxiu, Ru Xi led Zhou Qing directly to her nanny car.

    "Stop for me." He Wenxiu's lowered voice came over.

    Ru Xi ignored him and continued walking, but Zhou Qing looked at him.

    "Hey! Stop for me, can't you hear me?" He Wenxiu had never seen such an arrogant person in front of him.

    Ru Xi suddenly stopped in her tracks, turned her head to face him, and asked in a polite tone, "Mr. He, are you calling me?"

    "I'm not calling you, are you calling a ghost?" anger.

    "Oh, I didn't call hello, I thought you were calling someone else." Ru Xi still had a smile on her face, but what she said made He Wenxiu panic.

    With a dark complexion, He Wenxiu twisted the decorative ring on her hand, and warned, "You'd better stay away from Lulu, or don't blame me for being rude to you."

    "Huh? How should I say it?" Ru Xi said to him The malice released was unmoved, and even a smile was on his face.

    "Don't give me a sloppy eye. You see Lulu is kind and simple, so you want to get close to her and use her. Let me tell you, you should give up your heart!" He Wenxiu said viciously.

    Behind him should be his manager. Seeing his bad attitude, he didn't dare to say anything about him, but his eyes frequently switched between Ru Xi and He Wenxiu.

    Ru Xi thought it was very interesting, and curled the corners of her mouth, "Oh? Does Mr. He think so?"

    Seeing her confident look, He Wenxiu's brows and eyes darkened.

    "Axiu, don't be late." His manager gently reminded him.

    Hearing this, He Wenxiu gave Ru Xi another cold look, then pursed her lips tightly, and walked up the steps of the restaurant without saying a word.

    Behind his invisible back, his manager turned around and gave Ru Xi a shy smile.

    The corner of Ruxi's mouth deepened, and she continued to walk her own way.

    "Xixi, why did you have a conflict with He Wenxiu? Is it because of that Ning Lu?" Zhou Qing asked cautiously.

    "I don't know what's going on. I'm not very familiar with either of them. Maybe he misunderstood something." Ru Xi explained.

    Zhou Qing smiled awkwardly, "Really?"

    Why didn't these words have any credibility?

    After the two got into the nanny car, Zhou Qing suddenly thought of another question, "By the way, why did He Wenxiu come here? He doesn't seem like someone who would come to this kind of restaurant."

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