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Chapter 62

    Returning to the square where the show gathered at the beginning, the reappearance of Wu Yao heralded the end of the first season of the show "All the Way North".

    The incomparable harmony along the way was completely unexpected by the program group.

    Before the arrival of the artists, they had considered that there would be a little friction among the eleven women, and they even thought about using the friction that occurred as a highlight of the show.

    It's just that she didn't expect that the appearance of a Ruxi would lead everyone astray.

    The original grouping was to stimulate conflicts among the artists, but under Ruxi's adjustment, there was almost no sense of existence.

    Also, the props in their hands have almost become a common thing, which actually promotes the unity between different team members.

    However, this first season was meant to test the waters, and with so many female artists, it was impossible for them to go according to the prescribed plan.

    Although there are some deviations, they are still under the control of the program group, and the director group is very satisfied.

    Before closing, perhaps to leave a little hook, Wu Yao also specifically mentioned the props in Ruxi's hands.

    Only then did the others react.

    "What kind of card is Ruxi's prop?" Ning Lu blinked her big eyes with doubts, and asked everyone's thoughts.

    Ruxi smiled slightly, she really wanted to satisfy their curiosity on the spot, but the show crew had just hinted to her before, to hide her props first, and wait until the second season to make a fuss.

    That being the case, she didn't want to go against the rare request of the program group, and only left them with a mysterious smile, "Guess."

    After the last scene was filmed and the camera was turned off, everyone showed relaxed smiles in unison.

    The happy atmosphere among the crowd remained unchanged, still surrounding Ru Xi who was hugging Yi Yi.

    The completion of the program means the upcoming parting, and everyone is very reluctant.

    Thinking about it carefully, this journey, the bitter and sweet days really make people get involved unconsciously.

    In the team of eleven people, everyone else, for them, has become an existence between friends and family.

    Even Shen Xueer, who left a bad impression on everyone at the beginning, successfully changed everyone's impression through getting along with the four mission locations.

    After saying goodbye to the crew of the program group, Ru Xi walked out of the square with the others.

    Except for Ru Xi and Ning Lu, as contracted artists of the company, the others do not have a high degree of freedom.

    Especially Yang Yingying, Li Furan and others, this is the end here, and they are about to rush to the next announcement location.

    After saying goodbye to Ruxi reluctantly, they got into their nanny car and drove away from the square.

    And the others, after exchanging contact information with each other, made an appointment for the next gathering together, and then left one after another.

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