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Chapter 28

    Zhang Yun didn't understand why her brother didn't directly relay the news to He Wenxiu, but insisted that she send the information by email.

    Although she didn't understand, it didn't affect her to do what Zhang Yuanshan said.

    There was a lot of information, and she had to compress it before sending it successfully.

    As for He Wenxiu, he soon received the email.

    Zhang Yun is Ning Lu's manager. Given He Wenxiu's attention to Ning Lu, he downloaded the email immediately, decompressed it and read it.

    The more he looked at it, the more He Wenxiu felt something was wrong.

    The information clearly shows that Ning Lu was hacked this time because of another female artist from Jingshu Entertainment, and the heroine team of "The Legend of Huang Ze" also contributed to the flames.

    He just said clearly that this matter has nothing to do with Ruxi.

    He Wenxiu frowned and read the information from top to bottom, and even read it twice, but he didn't find Ru Xi's shadow in it.

    Except for the only word related to Ruxi - Jingshu Entertainment.

    Jingshu and Yu Jin are enemies, this one is called Wang Yuanyuan, the reason for Ning Lu is also mentioned in the data, it is because of a dispute with her in the martial arts training class.

    But Ruxi also participated in the martial arts training class...

    Zhang Yuanshan watched from the side, and found that He Wenxiu's reaction seemed a bit different from what he had imagined.

    He knew He Wenxiu's character quite well, and thinking of the mastermind this time, he suspected that He Wenxiu would still impose causality on the innocent Ruxi.

    Sure enough, he was right. In the next second, He Wenxiu arranged for someone to investigate whether Ruxi had contacted Wang Yuanyuan...

    But he did not forget the most important thing, that is revenge.

    Since Wang Yuanyuan framed Ning Lu behind the scenes, it is impossible for them not to return it.

    Soon, Zhang Yun also found some real black information about Wang Yuanyuan.

    Seeing the attached picture above, with a girl in her twenties snuggling in the arms of a greasy old man, Zhang Yun smiled coldly, and handed it over to Yu Jin's public relations side, so that people would directly make rumors.


    The gossip rumors about Ning Lu on the Internet have just subsided, and the news of another female artist being adopted has spread faster than Ning Lu.

    Wang Yuanyuan made her debut earlier than Ning, and she is also more famous than her. She once acted as the third female lead in the large-scale costume drama "The Legend of Chongyun", and the younger sister of the hero.

    The most important thing is that this gossip is not groundless, it has solid evidence.

    The person who took care of her was a middle-level manager of Jingshu Entertainment, who held some real power in his hands and already had a wife and children.

    The matter of the two of them has been kept from other people, except for Wang Yuanyuan's manager Wen Yu, no one else knows about it.

    In fact, Wang Yuanyuan did not directly release Ning Lu's scandal.

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