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Chapter 84

    Netizens soon discovered that after Ruxi's sexuality topic became a hot search, another topic's introduction——Ning Lu ended.

    [Ning Lu: It's just nonsense! Are you just casually slandering others like this? //@忍义攻言于雨鱼: Ruxi concealed her true sexuality, took advantage of her gender to gain bonuses, double-carried homosexuality and heterosexual cp, deliberately took the opportunity to hype the topic, attracted popularity on hot searches, and still refuses to admit it, it’s really entertainment The first person to circle the white lotus! ]

    Her fate immediately caused huge repercussions.

    The question about Ruxi's sexuality was originally caused by her interaction with Ning Lu on variety shows.

    The tone of this fate is very consistent with her usual habit of using words, so that people can tell at a glance that this is definitely her fate.

    Ning Lu's gaze, which was originally focused on Ru Xi alone, was instantly diverted a lot.

    Many trolls who eat melons and harbor malicious intentions rushed to comment on her Weibo, and there were dozens of replies in an instant.

    [You are not gay like Ruxi, are you? ]

    [You and Ruxi's cp have been speculating for so long? Don't you know her true sexual orientation? ]

    [So you were cheated by Ruxi? Or are you too? ]

    [You don't want to be popular, so you deliberately posted Ruxi fried CP, right? ]


    Following Ning Lu's voice, other actresses who have a good relationship with Ruxi also discovered this topic one after another.

    Ru Xi's ordinary character can be seen, outsiders can't see it, and those who have been with Ru Xi can't see it.

    Although Ruxi really rarely associates with male stars, they still don't believe her at all if she is gay.

    Those fired CPs are not invisible to them, but in the entertainment circle, this is just a normal trend of public opinion.

    It’s just because Ruxi is too perfect, too considerate to girls, plus there are all kinds of filters there, it is easy to become the YY object of fans, so fans give Ruxi a same-sex CP. Phenomenon.

    Li Dan, Yang Yingying and other actresses, especially the entire "All the Way North" guest group, all left to cheer for Ru Xi.

    The most surprising thing is that even in the first two episodes of "All the Way North", Shen Xueer, who obviously didn't like Ruxi, got off the stage.

    Her tone is still so pulling that people want to hit her.

    [Shen Xueer: There are so many shits, what does it have to do with you guys? ]

    Not only that, netizens soon discovered that starting with Ning Lu, many people in the circle have stepped up on Weibo one after another.

    Their fame may be big or small, but they all support Ru Xi.

    Actors, crew members, variety show hosts, and even some directors and screenwriters who have worked with Ru Xi on Weibo...

    Many of them are low-key and recognized as having good personalities, but they are willing to travel for Ru Xi Muddy waters this time.

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