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Chapter 8

    "Huh?" Ruxi was puzzled.

    Xiao Na was still a cute girl just now, why did she change her attitude after a while?

    Ru Xi looked around, and happened to see half of He Wenxiu's back.

    Thinking of the situation just now, Ru Xi figured out that He Wenxiu probably did something stupid.

    Ru Xi smiled reassuringly, and asked, "Did Senior He do something just now?"

    Xiao Na pursed her lips aggrievedly. At this time, she hadn't experienced the training of the entertainment industry, and it didn't matter that Ru Xi was someone she just met. , and directly told about He Wenxiu staring at her.

    "I haven't even spoken to him, why does he hate me so much?" It was the first time Xiao Na met such a person.

    Hearing this, Ru Xi's complexion changed slightly, her brows were slightly frowned, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't dare to say it.

    "Sister Xi, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Na quickly noticed the change in her mood.

    Ru Xi gave her a melancholy look, then lowered her head, "I'm sorry Nana, you may have been troubled by me, Senior He probably because he hates me, and after seeing you with me, he implicated his bad mood It's on you."

    "Huh?" Xiao Na's face was full of doubts, "Sister Xi, what's the matter with Senior He? Why does he hate you?"

    Although she just met Ru Xi, from this short paragraph With time, you can see that Ruxi is not only good-looking, but also has a very good personality. No matter what, she doesn't seem like the kind of person who would have conflicts with others.

    Besides, as He Wenxiu is a big man, is it necessary to be so fussy about other girls?

    Ru Xi paused, and sighed distressedly, "If only I knew why he hates me, I've only met him a few times, but every time he sees me..."

    Speaking of this, Her expression changed slightly, and she shook her head at Xiao Na, "Nana, this is a matter between Senior He and I, so don't get involved, it won't do you any good."

    "Let's do this," Ru Xi paused, with entanglement and reluctance on his face, "From now on, you should pretend that you don't know me. Later, you can go to Senior He to explain, and say that what he saw just now is Misunderstood, after all, his background in the industry is stronger than the two of us..."

    When Ru Xi said that she didn't know why He Wenxiu hated her, Xiao Na's impression of He Wenxiu was even worse.

    What Ruxi said later made her feel sorry again.

    She didn't expect that He Wenxiu's character was so bad, why did she break up the friendship she had just established with Ru Xi because of his relationship.

    Could it be that he has a strong background, so he can do whatever he wants in the circle?

    Xiao Na was quickly aroused with a rebellious mentality, "No matter how powerful he is, can he still control us girls to make friends? It's too much, sister Xi, you don't have to be afraid of him, anyway, you are not in the same company as him, my words , because I haven’t graduated yet, so I haven’t signed a contract, and I will definitely not choose Yu Jin Entertainment.”

    “I don’t believe it, can he make other companies listen to him,” Xiao Na’s own family also has Some forces don't have the character to bear the burden of humiliation, "If he goes too far, I can deal with him..."

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