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Chapter 16

    "What's the matter?" Seeing that He Wenxiu stepped back suddenly, looking at other people's boxes, Zhuo Shu who was with him also stepped back.

    Looking at Ning Lu who didn't notice anything wrong in the box, and Ru Xi who was talking with her, He Wenxiu was furious.

    He had warned Ruxi a long time ago, telling her not to get close to Lulu, but he didn't expect this woman to be so courageous that she would ignore his words!

    "Eh? What are you doing?" Seeing that he didn't listen to him, Zhuo Shu stretched out his hand and grabbed him.

    He Wenxiu still didn't move.

    Zhuo Shu, who originally wanted to maintain a gentleman's demeanor, also looked curiously into other people's boxes, "That girl looks the same as the photo you showed me, is she your girlfriend? Who is beside her? It looks like Not bad."

    He Wenxiu said in a low voice, "He doesn't know what's good."

    Feeling his inexplicable depression, Zhuo Shu raised his eyebrows.

    After He Wenxiu said this, he stood at the door of Ruxi's box openly and aboveboard, and deliberately coughed twice.

    Ning Lu was still very familiar with his voice, when she heard the cough, she subconsciously looked up.

    "Axiu? Why are you here?" Ning Lu didn't expect that he would appear here not long after they finished talking about him.

    It really means that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived.

    He Wenxiu went straight in, "Lulu, why are you with her again?"

    He suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and tried his best to appear indifferent.

    It's good that he didn't mention this, but when he mentioned it, Ning Lu immediately frowned thinking of what Ruxi said to her just now.

    "I'm friends with Ru Xi, isn't it normal to ask out to play together?" Ning Lu didn't directly lose her temper with He Wenxiu or do anything.

    He Wenxiu's complexion was not very good. Hearing Ning Lu's tone, he probably guessed something. Looking towards Ruxi, he saw the other party sitting there drinking juice with a calm face.

    "Lu Lu, that's not what I meant..." He quickly suppressed his bad mood and smiled at Ning Lu.

    Zhuo Shu behind him also followed in.

    "Miss Ning, the dishes are all ready, please take your time, please ring the bell to call us if you have anything else to do." The waiter signaled the person serving the dishes to leave first, and then said something to Ning Lu.

    After Ning Lu agreed, she went out considerately and closed the door behind her.

    Ning Lu was still a little uncomfortable, but she was not one to lose her temper with her boyfriend in front of others, so she pouted and stopped talking to He Wenxiu.

    "Ru Xi, come on, let's have some vegetables, let me tell you, this is super delicious..." On the contrary, he looked at Ru Xi with enthusiasm.

    He Wenxiu was devastated by Ning Lu, and his complexion began to look ugly again.

    Zhuo Shu next to him showed interest and looked at the three people present.

    It was rare for him to see He Wenxiu's toothless and blood-swallowing appearance, deliberately showing his presence, "Axiu, is this your girlfriend from the golden house?"

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