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Chapter 122

    Yuan Ting and Zhou Qing behaved strangely, how could Ruxi not notice it?

    The two of them hid it well before, even she didn't see it. It may also be because I didn't expect this aspect.

    When Liu Ye came to talk to her just now, her sharp attention came back.

    Especially when Liu Ye mentioned about her acting skills, Yuan Ting's protective expression, and blurted out words, immediately let Ruxi know that they had noticed something.

    It's just that she thought that the two of them had discovered that her acting skills had entered a bottleneck period, but she didn't know that it was a misunderstanding between the two of them, thinking that her acting skills were immature and she couldn't make a play.

    So, when Yuan Ting and Zhou Qing came back after sending Liu Ye off, Ru Xi spoke.

    "So Miss Ting, you two know about it?"

    Zhou Qing was the first to misunderstand, and Yuan Ting was misled by her later to think so.

    Now Yuan Ting looked at Ruxi, and then at Zhou Qing.

    Zhou Qing immediately showed embarrassment on her face, and directly confessed to Ru Xi.

    After explaining the ins and outs of the matter to Ru Xi, Ru Xi was directly amused.

    "So that's the case, I said how could you be aware of what happened to me..."

    Ru Xi leaned on the back of the sofa, put one hand on the armrest, propped her face, and smiled helplessly.

    Zhou Qing, who only now realized that the misunderstanding was caused by herself, suddenly felt embarrassed.

    As a veteran assistant who has worked for many years, she should have been careful in everything.

    However, Ruxi's performance has always been calm and calm, but this time there has been a big change.

    Thinking of her age, it is normal for Zhou Qing to have a misunderstanding.

    After all, how can an artist at Ruxi's age be able to cover everything, not only achieve such a great achievement, but also grasp everything at once?

    The managers and assistants around her were simply decorations, just doing chores for her.

    After staying with Ruxi for so long, Zhou Qing's ability has not improved much, but has been "spoiled" instead.

    Of course, this kind of "spoiling" is also a kind of luck for Zhou Qing.

    Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared up, Ru Xi also understands why Yuan Ting, who is busy with affairs, would withdraw to the crew to visit the set.

    Now that she has reached this point, Ruxi simply told them all the problems she encountered in acting.

    "So, there is a bottleneck in acting, how to control your empathy... to achieve absolute control..." The

    two of them half understood.

    Obviously, they can only understand the superficial meaning, but they cannot share the deep meaning contained in it.

    Ruxi didn't expect them to understand either.

    It's completely normal for two people with different professions not to understand something that ordinary actors don't understand.

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