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Chapter 60

    I will pay my sister double salary...

    Shen Xueer recalled this sentence in her mind and felt bad.

    It's just that she has always been used to walking behind the crowd, and now there are people in the team at the front, so she can only try to lean to the side, trying to stop Wen Shanshan from saying something that would embarrass her.

    When she walked to the side, before she could speak, Wen Shanshan on the other side of the table answered Ru Xi's words with a smile, "Sister Ruxi has good eyesight, but I promised Sister Xue'er that I will give her double salary." Oh."

    Shen Xueer's expression and movements froze.

    Sure enough, after Wen Shanshan finished saying this, everyone else looked over, especially Ruxi's slightly teasing look, which made her want to dig a hole in the ground and bury herself in it.

    This made her look like a pink-eyed person. She even hooked up with Ruxi's fans on the last show...

    She hates Ruxi, but she doesn't want people to think she is so shameless.

    As everyone knows, in the eyes of others, her rare expression control is out of control, which is the scene that everyone finds interesting.

    Ruxi was more generous than Shen Xueer thought, she never felt that her fans could only like her alone.

    There are so many admired objects in this world. Fans only like her alone, which makes her moved, but at the same time, they like other people. From the perspective of fans, it is understandable.

    If it was before, she only met Shen Xueer twice, and when she and the original plot left a bad impression on her, Ruxi would have to worry about her fans.

    But now she has vaguely discovered that Shen Xueer doesn't seem to be that bad, and there may be something hidden in the original plot, and Ruxi's dislike for Shen Xueer has disappeared a lot.

    If Shen Xueer can make others like her, that is also her charm, and Ru Xi will never pursue it.

    After Wen Shanshan counted the money, she realized Shen Xueer's terrified look.

    She didn't know why, so she put the banknotes on the banknote detector next to it for re-examination, and repeated it deliberately, "The salary of other sisters is about 170 yuan each, and sister Xueer's salary is 400 yuan."

    Shen Xueer is indeed more profitable than others . Got more cabbage.

    Just hearing her salary, she squeezed into the middle in embarrassment, took out two banknotes from the banknotes that had been checked, threw them back in front of Wen Shanshan, and said coldly: "No need."

    "Why?" Wen Shanshan Look puzzled.

    Shen Xueer didn't know how to express, what to think, she said with a stiff expression, "Do you think this is fair to other people? What you are holding is your parents' money."

    After she finished speaking, Wen Shanshan resumed Laughing, "I took the other salary out of my private money, and I will make up for it when the time comes. I promised my sister, and I will definitely do it."

    She is beautiful and has a good smile It's so perfect that people can't blame or sing a naysayer after watching it.

    But Shen Xue'er was an exception. Regardless of Wen Shanshan's words, she took the counted banknotes and stuffed them into the arms of Yu Mingtong, who was in charge of the money, and then turned and left expressionlessly.

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