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Chapter 35

    Sixty-eight thousand, to Shen Xueer, is not a big sum.

    However, the money was spent on his assistant, so it became a bit painful.

    It's just an assistant, how can He De wear such expensive clothes?

    On Ruxi's side, she has already paid by card and left the hotel address to the clerk.

    The clerk also measured Zhou Qing's waistline with a meter ruler, and when the skirt was modified, someone would send the skirt to the hotel.

    They are not far away, how could Ruxi and the others not hear Shen Xueer's words.

    It's just that under the leadership of Ru Xi, the three of them never meddled in their own business, and they planned to leave immediately after buying the clothes.

    "Goodbye, three ladies, welcome to visit next time." The two clerks serving Ruxi and the others respectfully saw off the guests.

    "Thank you." After Ruxi finished speaking, she followed the people from left to right and walked towards the door of the store.

    That clean and neat gesture really hurt Shen Xueer's eyes.

    "Buy." She said a word coldly.

    "Sister Shen, it's too expensive, forget it..." Wu Rongjuan was a little scared.

    Shen Xueer raised her head and glanced at her, which immediately stopped her from talking.

    Anyone with a higher EQ can tell that Shen Xueer is competing with Ruxi, but Wu Rongjuan is still trying to disrupt the situation.

    Paid and left the address of the same hotel.

    Because more than half of the budget has been spent, Shen Xueer is not in a good mood. When she sees this store, she is upset and wants to leave.

    The girl who had asked the price of the dress earlier walked behind, took the opportunity to ask Ruxi how much the dress she bought, and got a number of thirty-eight thousand.

    She pursed her lips and sighed for Shen Xueer in her heart.

    What a waste of money.

    Ruxi understood Shen Xueer's mentality just now.

    The other party thought she was here to pick out clothes for him, but she didn't expect that she planned to buy them for Zhou Qing.

    I guess I wanted to overwhelm her, but in the end I got tricked by her by mistake.

    Ruxi didn't feel any apology in her heart, seeing Shen Xueer deflated, it was a happy thing.

    But she didn't show it on her face.

    Taking the two people around her to continue shopping, she bought Xiao Na another delicate bag worth more than 20,000 yuan.

    Being so familiar with this place means that Xiao Na's background must be very good.

    She was very happy to accept such a small gift, and then bought a bracelet of similar price for Ru Xi.

    Of course Ruxi did not refuse, and accepted it with satisfaction.

    After shopping all afternoon, more than half of Cary's money was spent.

    After basically preparing everyone's gifts, she didn't make any more moves.

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