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Chapter 115

    But soon, the fact that Ruxi won the actress immediately suppressed Yan Yan's influence on Jingshu.

    Prior to this, Yan Yan had always been the key object of Jingshu's high-level hopes.

    After all, in Jingshu's current situation, she is the only one who successfully reached the front line before she was thirty.

    It's not that there is no hope for other frontlines, but relatively speaking, Yan Yan's age is really much younger.

    Her talent is also the highest among all the frontlines.

    In the past few years, entertainers in the domestic entertainment industry have been suppressed. During those days, Yan Yan was suppressed for a long time.

    But when the time passed and Huaguo's entertainment circle recovered, Yan Yan rose rapidly.

    Although later there appeared another Ru Xi who was faster, more talented, and luckier than her.

    However, the achievements she has made before are relatively top-notch in the entire entertainment circle.

    If it was before Jingshu found out that Yan Yan wanted to change jobs, everyone must have thought that both of them had to be well trained.

    May I ask, which of the five leading companies in the entertainment industry does not want to overwhelm the others?

    If both Ru Xi and Yan Yan are cultivated at the same time, which company can compete with Jing Shu in the future?

    What they didn't expect was that the company treated Yan Yan so well, but the other party didn't appreciate it at all, and even had the idea of ​​a white-eyed wolf.

    Not only does she want to change jobs, but she also wants to suppress Ruxi, who is just showing talent.

    If she didn't have the idea of ​​job-hopping, it would be fine if it wasn't Ruxi who provoked her.

    Jingshu might just let her go because of her previous grades.

    But she stepped on everything.

    No matter how tolerant the company was to her before, it was based on the fact that she could bring benefits to the company.

    Now that she is endangering Jingshu's interests in turn, she knows what will happen to her without even thinking about it.

    It's just that Yan Yan has long been praised by Jingshu and has become a habit, and he feels that he has worked hard before.

    It can be said that it has not yet reached the top line, but it has already put it on the shelf.

    Now that she is being crazily squeezed out of surplus value by Jingshu, it seems that she is already out of luck.

    The contacts of the artists signed in Jingshu are intricate. After seeing Yan Yan's latest announcement schedule, many people became suspicious, and then used their connections to find out the truth of the matter.

    Jingshu will not reveal the entanglement between Yan Yan and Ruxi.

    After all, this is related to Ruxi's reputation, Jingshu doesn't want any bad things to contaminate her.

    However, it is not impossible for Yan Yan to let everyone know that he wants to change jobs.

    At least it can also play the role of killing chickens and monkeys.

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