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Chapter 142

    The donation from the Ruxi fans official support club...

    especially the long number at the end, which made him feel that he knew every word, but after combining them, he didn't quite understand the meaning.

    The Ruxi in the Ruxi fan official support club should be the Ruxi he thought of, right?

    No, just such an ordinary fan club, how could it be possible to donate so much money?

    This is not hundreds or thousands, but tens of millions! !

    Or is this home page pumped?

    Netizens couldn't believe it at all. After remembering the location, they refreshed the page repeatedly.

    Based on the location in my memory again, I found that piece of information.

    Still exactly the same, not a single word has changed!

    He still didn't believe in evil, and saw the supervision phone number on the official website.

    After copying that call, he called it.

    The person who answered the phone was a young woman who spoke softly and softly. When the call was connected, she reported her unit and job number herself.

    The netizen was still in a state of shock, and asked directly to the topic, "I just want to ask, I saw that there was a sum of money on your official website in February, and it said that the official support club of Ruxi fans donated a large sum of money. Qian, are you sure you got that number right? Tens of millions?"

    "Wait a moment, let's check here..."

    There was a sound of typing on a keyboard, and after a while, a female voice rang out again.

    "Yes, that's right, the money was donated by Ms. Ruxi in the name of the official Ruxi fans' support club, and the total is 56.94 million..."

    He didn't pay attention to the numbers behind, because He also knew in his heart that the number displayed on the official website was absolutely correct.

    "Okay, thank you."

    After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

    Back on the homepage of Ru's Charity Foundation, looking at the string of numbers, netizens are still shocked.

    It turned out that it was donated by Ruxi! He said, how could an official support club donate such a large sum of money!

    But, why is this matter so silent, no one broke the news at all? !

    Otherwise, in the name of Ruxi, the entire entertainment circle must have been shocked long ago!

    He thought for a while, and then deliberately checked again, and found that not only this year, but even this period last year, there was also a donation from the Ruxi Fan Official Support Club, but the amount donated at that time was compared to this year. Come on, it will be much smaller.

    Going forward, there is no more, and the other income is from the Ru Group...

    Wait... He seems to have discovered something even more extraordinary!

    Ru Group! Ruxi!

    "Fuck me!!! Ru's Group! Ruxi!"

    He finally understood, what was wrong with him before!

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