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Chapter 121

    Ru Xi originally thought that director Liu Ye was just visiting the crew, but she didn't expect him to be the crew leader.

    The rest of the crew were very curious about him, and from time to time someone went up to ask him something.

    This rookie director has a good temper, and he is happy to answer any questions people ask.

    Of course, there is no such person who does not have eyes to ask strange questions.

    After his arrival caused a wave of fluctuations in the crew of "Murderous Aura", the fluctuations gradually subsided soon.

    Li Rong's attitude towards him was a bit like that of his younger brother. Although he was very rude when he spoke, most of the time, he brought Liu Ye a lot of benefits.

    Gradually, Ruxi also forgot what he mentioned to herself last time.

    Director Liu Ye came when they started filming, but gradually he seemed to become a member of the crew.

    However, Director Li Rong did not intend to formally appoint him.

    He didn't care either, and continued to stay peacefully in the crew.

    Normally, he would either be by Li Rong's side, or watch Ruxi and the others act in a corner by himself.

    The progress of the crew is not bad, and there is no big difference in the daily shooting.

    It's just that Zhou Qing, who is beside Ruxi, sees her like this all the time, and can't help feeling more and more anxious.

    Contacting Ning Lu and the others to chat more with Ru Xi didn't seem to have any effect.

    Yuan Ting has been busy with things over there, and has no time to come over for the time being.

    However, Yuan Ting communicated with Ru Xi over the phone to discuss the next announcement.

    Ru Xi can also be regarded as a first-line female artist who is relatively leisurely in the entertainment industry.

    When everyone else had been lining up announcements for half a year, she started with the crew of "Qing Xin", and there were basically only a few announcements left, adding the movie "Murderous".

    Now that "Qing Xin" has been completed long ago and joined the crew of "Murderous Aura", the later schedule is basically empty.

    When Yuan Ting was discussing with Ru Xi, she didn't expect that she would take the initiative to take a break after filming "Murderous".

    She thought so too.

    Since there is something wrong with Ru Xi, the best way is to give her time to recover first.

    Hearing Ru Xi said that she wanted to rest, Yuan Ting thought she had already noticed her own problem.

    Without thinking too much, she readily accepted Ruxi's idea.

    Of course, as a qualified agent, at this moment, one still has to maintain an absolute understanding of one's own artists.

    Therefore, Yuan Ting even accelerated the speed of handling the matter, thinking of freeing up time to come to the crew to see Ruxi.

    Ruxi doesn't know what she thinks at all.

    After discussing with Yuan Ting, apart from relaxing in my heart, I didn't feel anything else.

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