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Chapter 156

    He Wenxiu knew from an early age that his family was different from other children.

    His mother was a psycho, which caused his father to become a psycho too.

    How can a person who is extremely obsessed with an identity that does not belong to him and is crazy about it not be called a neuropathy?

    He even firmly believed that as long as he kept the surname He, he could enter the He family and become a member of the He family.

    But she probably forgot, right?

    She is just an illegitimate daughter, or the illegitimate daughter that her mother used disgraceful means to give birth to her.

    Perhaps his grandmother brainwashed her since she was a child, and she kept thinking about entering the He family until she died. His mother really took this matter as her goal.

    Because of this, even the child he gave birth to was unwilling to give up the surname He.

    His father is also a psychopath, obeying his mother in everything, as if without his mother, he would die.

    In fact, as it turned out later, he found that he was right.

    Only at that time, he had already met Ning Lu.

    He found that he seemed to have inherited his parents' genes and became a neurotic like them.

    Only then did he suddenly understand his father's behavior.

    Ning Lu is a completely different person from his mother.

    Ning Lu is cute, pure and kind, full of enthusiasm for everything, like a ray of sunshine projected on the window of a cold room in winter, making people want to hold on to it firmly.

    There is no doubt that he loves Ning Lu so passionately.

    Relying on the disguise, he managed to get close to the other party with great difficulty, spending a lot of energy to bring the person under his protection.

    Originally, according to his plan, bringing Ning Lu into the same circle as him, and firmly guarding her innocence, they could live happily ever after.

    He had already gained a firm foothold in the entertainment circle, and it was easy for him to protect his beloved girl.

    He didn't want any extra people around Ning Lu, Ning Lu only needed to focus on him alone.

    What's more, everyone except him will bring her down.

    He can give Ning Lu what he wants, and their world doesn't need other people's participation.

    Originally, things had been going smoothly according to his plan, but an unexpected person happened to appear.

    The first time he saw Ru Xi, he knew that the other party was a man with deep thoughts.

    This kind of scheming is also revealed on the surface. He Wenxiu had no interest in such a woman, and even sneered at her.

    Only when they met for the second time, He Wenxiu suddenly found that the other party appeared beside Ning Lu.

    There is no doubt that this woman's purpose is definitely not pure.

    In order not to let Ning Lu be affected, he had the idea of ​​isolating Ruxi from Ning Lu.

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