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Chapter 126

    [Ru Xi: Thank you, Aunt An, not for such a trivial matter...]

    This forwarded comment suddenly appeared on Ru Xi's Weibo page.

    Fans who followed or paid special attention to Ruxi soon found out.

    The streams were a little confused for the time being.

    When they were doing things under Jingshu's official blog before, they didn't pay attention to other aspects.

    It was Zhou Qing's video that brought them back to their senses.

    But also because of Ruxi's video, many fans are only focused on licking the screen, so they don't care about other things.

    It was Ru Xi who forwarded the comment, and everyone realized that something was wrong.

    After all, the suffix of this comment is still a bit long.

    So the streams moved in very quickly, and then they figured out the whole story.

    Then the streams got angry.

    what's the situation? It was because of their comments on Jingshu's official blog that people took the opportunity to create rumors to confuse the public?

    But they say it's theirs, Jingshu is one of their own in their eyes, and has something to do with these people?

    There was a fight in someone else's family because of a misunderstanding, and someone still took care of other people's family affairs?

    This is too much!

    The streams immediately joined the battlefield, completely turning the direction of the wind that was biased towards Ruxi due to An Yunxi's appearance.

    [Editor, are you too full to eat and have nothing to do? What does it matter to you if we talk to Xixi's company? ]

    [Picking us to attract traffic, and deliberately leading netizens to talk nonsense, you can do it! ]

    [Although, you put too much salt in your cooking? ]

    [Fortunately, our elders from Xixi came out to support... Wait, what's the name of this Aunt An? ]

    [Go back upstairs, Aunt An's name is An Yunxi, I just remembered]

    [what? Which An Yunxi? Is it the An Yunxi I thought of? ]

    Xiliu people have always paid more attention to Yunxi because Ruxi's private server has always been Yunxi's brand.

    Now that I have paid attention to this brand, I am naturally more interested in other aspects of this brand.

    Even many wealthy fans, like Ruxi, use this brand as a guide when buying clothes.

    Then they also know something about Yunxi's brand founder and president, and the name is easy to remember, it's called An Yunxi.

    After finally realizing this problem, the streams felt a little confused.

    Click on An Yunxi's Weibo homepage from Ruxi Aite's article, and see the official certification above.

    It is indeed Yunxi's president!

    Their Xixi called the CEO Aunt An? ! The CEO said that Yunxi was their Xixi's private closet since she was a child? ! Also said that their family, Xixi, is a wealthy family? !

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