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Chapter 114

    The more Ruxi looked at it, the more tears came to her eyes.

    There are a lot of people inside who haven't been in touch for a long time, but looking at their voices and smiles, I can still find the feeling of being together in the first place.

    The presence of Ning Lu and the others around them melted her heart even more.

    After watching the video, Ru Xi held back her tears.

    Everyone was still laughing and making noise.

    Then, they quickly took out a large box to replace the tablet.

    "This is?" Ruxi was a little puzzled.

    "It's your birthday present, Sister Xi, can you open it and have a look?" Xiao Na looked at her with a smile.

    Everyone is also full of mystery and expectation.

    Under everyone's sight, Ruxi found the lock of the box.

    The craftsmanship of the box is very simple, but it looks more like a new one.

    Unlock the lock of the box and slowly lift the lid.

    With her movements, the inside of the box appeared in front of everyone.

    There is actually a beauty lamp inside, it is the kind of lamp with eight sides and pictures of beauties painted on the lampshade.

    Ruxi opened the lid of the box as if it had touched some mechanism, and the light began to turn slowly.

    Every surface is a picture, and the protagonist in the picture is Ruxi.

    But when it turned around again, the picture above changed. The protagonist was no longer Ru Xi alone, but a picture of her and others.

    Xiao Na, Ning Lu, Yang Yingying and the others all have photos taken with her.

    There were even Li Dan, Liu Xinjia and others who didn't come. These pictures all have a warm feeling.

    Ruxi was stunned.

    "Do you like it?" Everyone surrounded her, looking extraordinarily excited.

    Ru Xi looked at the lamp, and then at the people around her, she was so moved that she couldn't speak.

    This is really a very, very moving gift for her, even enough to be treasured forever.

    "Thank you." Ruxi finally said this sentence.

    Seeing the expression on her face, everyone could understand her mood very well.

    To be honest, the production process of this beauty lamp is actually very difficult.

    They searched for a long time before they found a master who could make this gift.

    The money spent was actually not a small amount, but the preciousness of this gift does not mean how much money was spent, but the intentions contained in it.

    Everyone's mood is the same, just hope that their feelings will not change every year.

    Ruxi can feel it, just like her own mood.

    Ru Xi almost forgot that the purpose of coming back to the film crew was to film.

    It's just that when Zhou Qing saw this, she had already told the director.

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