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Chapter 74

    What surprised Ruxi the most was that the first to send congratulations were Ru Changsi and Li Xin, and then Ru Zheng.

    Coming to this world, Ruxi has rarely seen them, especially the Ru family couple who are busy all year round.

    Although I thought that the other party might have asked the secretary to help them pay special attention to themselves, but at this time, the congratulations from relatives are still quite touching.

    Assistant Zhou Qing and the directors and entertainers he knew in the circle were also in the early batch.

    Before Ruxi looked carefully, Yuan Ting called.

    "Xixi, congratulations!" Yuan Ting's words were not without excitement.

    Ru Xi smiled lightly, "It's still early."

    Yuan Ting understood what she meant, and her happy mood suddenly blossomed like a flower.

    Of course she didn't just call to congratulate her.

    As soon as the news that Ru Xi was nominated for the Phoenix Award for Best Actress, there were as many notices as there were snowflakes.

    Of course, there are still many people who don't know this yet.

    However, the topic of Ruxi's nomination has already hit the hot searches, and soon, everyone should know what they should know and what they shouldn't know.

    The two discussed it, and then Yuan Ting hung up the phone.

    Each of them now needs time to process this matter.

    In addition to the congratulations sent by Ru Xi alone, there are many group chats.

    There are all kinds of people in the group chat, and almost all of them are well-informed.

    Now that the news came out, everyone was discussing this matter.

    However, there is obviously another embarrassing thing, and that is the group chat of "Jingyun".

    The group chat leader of "Jingyun" is still Ruxi herself.

    However, "Shocking Cloud", which is also a candidate for the Phoenix Award, naturally wants to focus on its own side.

    Although Ru Xi played a supporting role in "The Shocking Cloud", because of her gender, Wan Li could not be included in the supporting role award.

    However, the heroine Li Dan and the male advocate Xunfang both have nominations.

    Because of Ru Xi's existence, many people in the group didn't know whether to congratulate her or not.

    Then, Director Gu Xianwen spoke first.

    As a director who doesn't worry about his fame at all and won awards, he was not tactful at all, he directly congratulated and thanked everyone at the same time, and also mentioned Ruxi's nomination for Best Actress by the way.

    Seeing that the director didn't care about it, the others were of course relieved.

    Li Dan and Zhang Xunfang quickly came out to smooth things over.

    Ruxi also quickly dealt with other replies and joined the crowd.

    Seeing her appear, other people's private chats were quickly sent over.

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