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Chapter 85

    "Ning Lu has known us, Xixi, for so long. Normal people can tell that this matter is not harmful to her. Why is He Wenxiu still stubborn? Besides, our Xixi is not an ordinary person. Ning Lu has What's the point..." At the end, Zhou Qing shook her head again and again.

    She still said this tactfully, in fact, in her heart, Ning Lu has received a lot of honor from Ruxi, and He Wenxiu is not grateful, but she even came to frame Ruxi, which is really a typical example of repaying kindness and revenge.

    As a normal person, Yuan Ting, like Zhou Qing, couldn't figure out why.

    They looked at each other in dismay, and then looked at Ruxi.

    The corners of Ru Xi's mouth twitched slightly, and he said half-truthfully, "Maybe, he has something wrong in his heart."

    Hearing Ru Xi's words, Yuan Ting and Zhou Qing looked at each other again, with a slightly tangled expression on their faces.

    "Okay, even if we find He Wenxiu's head, there is no way to deal with him for the time being. We can only solve the problem on the Internet first." Ru Xi sighed helplessly.

    Yuan Ting thought of something, frowned, and asked tentatively: "Xixi, could it be that your family..." Can't beat He Wenxiu?

    Ruxi understood her unfinished meaning, but did not answer.

    Seeing her expression, Yuan Ting understood and didn't say anything.

    Yuan Ting has always heard that He Wenxiu's background is powerful, but she didn't understand the extent of this strength until she passed Ruxi.

    With a more powerful background than Ru's, it is definitely going to be like wind and rain.

    Yuan Ting began to retreat in her heart.

    She didn't know that there were still many things that Ruxi hadn't told them.

    For example, although she found out that He Wenxiu should be related to the He family in Beijing, she didn't know what the relationship was.

    At the same time, the strength of the Ru family is not as bad as she has shown. How can a family that can gain a foothold in the capital have no cards?

    It's just that Ruxi thinks that because of one He Wenxiu, it is extremely uneconomical to mobilize so many people to let Ru's parents take action, and possibly offend a He family.

    Besides, He Wenxiu only dared to play tricks like this behind his back, which showed that he was also afraid of himself.

    If He Wenxiu could turn the clouds and rains upside down, her star journey would have been stymied long ago. How could she sit down with her manager and assistants and discuss countermeasures like she is now?

    Therefore, there was no anxious look on Ru Xi's face.

    In contrast, as ordinary people, Yuan Ting and Zhou Qing seemed a little uneasy.

    Probably knowing that her rhetoric made them feel scared, Ru Xi quickly comforted him: "It's okay, although I can't touch him, but as long as the Ru family doesn't collapse, he won't dare to do anything to me in the open. We can only play tricks." After

    being reminded by her, Yuan Ting and Zhou Qing suddenly realized.

    That's right, if He Wenxiu really had such great ability, would he still use this kind of trick in a sneaky way?

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