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Chapter 148

    By the time Ruxi returned to Beijing, it was already past four o'clock in the morning of the next day.

    Zhou Qing and her bodyguards followed her back.

    After an accident like Ning Lu's happened, Yan Yan didn't dare to be alone, for fear that He Wenxiu would think of her as the "culprit" and arrest him like Ning Lu.

    The shadow of being almost strangled before was full, and when Ru Xi decided to rush back to Beijing overnight, she hurriedly asked to take her back with her.

    She didn't even care about the car that was coming, she just threw it in the parking lot near the film and television city, and she went back with Ruxi's car.

    Ruxi is not the kind of person who would kill a donkey, she promised to protect Yan Yan's safety, and she will definitely do it.

    So, the group finally arrived at the scene where Ru Zheng and the others discovered.

    Ru Zheng still has a few people guarding over there.

    After calling the police, the police hastily sent someone over to search the neighborhood again.

    Later, Ning Lu's mobile phone was found in the green belt beside the road.

    Ning Lu was protected at the time, and she might have been conscious when she was taken away.

    If this is the case, there may be some clues left by the phone, so it was taken away by the police and cracked.

    Seeing Ru Xi approaching, Ru Zheng instantly regained his energy.

    After greeting Ruxi, he explained all the follow-up of the matter.

    He Wenxiu and Ning Lu are both celebrities, and if this matter gets out, it may have a very big impact, so apart from informing Ning Lu's parents, everything is kept secret.

    Ning Lu's parents are also from Xiaofu's family, but they are not locals in Beijing. According to the police comrades, they have already rushed here when they heard the news, and they may have reached the police station.

    Ruxi was very anxious in her heart, and she had long since lost her usual calm posture.

    After seeing the place where Ning Lu was robbed, it didn't give her much inspiration, after all, she still knew too little about He Wenxiu.

    In the end, he had no choice but to follow Ru Zheng to the police station.

    Sure enough, Ning Lu's parents had arrived, and they were both in the same panic.

    Ning Lu's appearance is inherited from her mother, and they almost have the same face carved out of the same template.

    However, Ning Lu's mother's dress and demeanor were much more mature, and her face, which had been well maintained, now showed a deep tiredness, and there were still some faint traces of tears on her face.

    Ning Lu's father looked older, his expression was anxious, but he pretended to be calm.

    After seeing Ruxi and the others, the two immediately reacted and walked towards Ruxi.

    "Miss Ruxi." Both of them looked at her with kindness in their eyes, probably Ning Lu had mentioned Ruxi as a friend to them long ago.

    However, Ru Xi's identity is no longer a secret, even if they are friends of her own daughter, the two of them show great respect.

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