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Chapter 129

    Ruxi's first scene shocked everyone in the crew.

    The next shoot went much smoother.

    This drama is different from the previous "Murderous Aura" filmed by Li Rong. "Murderous Aura" has strict requirements for all actors.

    As for the movie "Demon", the basic acting requirements are placed on Ru Xi.

    The actors Liu Ye recruited still have a certain quality assurance.

    Although it is still a little weak compared to Ruxi, but compared to many crews, it is already considered very good.

    With the presence of Ruxi, it also stimulated everyone's nerves even more.

    Many people don't have Ruxi's savvy, but Liu Ye is not too strong, and he is very patient when speaking to actors.

    Coupled with the existence of Ruxi, who convinced everyone, the whole crew has progressed harmoniously like this.

    It's already August, the weather is hot, and the crew will inevitably be affected.

    And Ruxi, the leading female lead, didn't complain at all, and the actors who led the entire crew kept a lot of low-key.

    During the filming, basically nothing major happened.

    When Ru Xi filmed the last part of Yi Huan's return to the demon world, everyone who was already accustomed to her acting skills was stimulated again.

    Looking at her distinct performance, she seems to be the real heroine Yi Huan.

    After merging the two personalities together, a new Yihuan is formed.

    Ruxi has a good grasp of these two personalities, and the merged character is even more amazing.

    I don't know why, but after seeing this scene performed by her, everyone seems to have a deeper understanding of the film.

    It was always mysterious before, but when the heroine's personality merged together and met a brand new person, it was as if something had been created inexplicably.

    If you think about it carefully, some sensitive people will realize that Yi Huan's two personalities before, one was cultivated when she was a god in her previous life, and the other is the nature produced in her body after being reborn in the demon world.

    After the two are combined, it is almost the same as ordinary human nature.

    Isn't that what human nature is? There are good and bad.

    But all kinds of shackles in the world have always bound everyone's thoughts.

    That's why human beings yearn for good habits and abandon bad habits.

    Just like the human race in the human world in the play, they worship the gods in the fairy world, because they are at least superficially kind and peaceful.

    The main reason for disliking the Yaozu is that the other party exposed his bad side frankly.

    The heroine Yi Huan said before returning to the demon world, is there really a difference between a demon and a fairy?

    Rather than questioning mortals, this question might as well be questioning oneself.

    So after returning to the demon world, her two personalities completely merged together.

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