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Chapter 50

    The girl got a reply and finally left satisfied.

    The artists have been busy here for a long time, and after earning a little hard work, they plan to pack up and go back.

    There were eleven members in the entire big team, and everyone played, except Shen Xueer.

    Although everyone didn't say anything for Ru Xi's sake, but when facing Shen Xueer, everyone's attitude became completely cold.

    The first time they met, they had a cold face, and it could be said that they had a cold personality and were out of gregariousness. This time, everyone was asked by the program team to live in City A for three days.

    Life has to maintain the most basic expenses, and making money is a must.

    This is something that requires everyone to do it together. Usually, everyone is busy working together.

    When the critical moment came, they even stopped acting.

    Do you really think that you are some kind of golden bump, and you have to be supported by others everywhere?

    How much everyone likes and trusts Ruxi, and how unhappy they are with Shen Xueer.

    However, Ruxi is a kind person, and she is still helping to speak in the middle.

    Thinking of Shen Xueer's usual attitude towards Ruxi, everyone felt worthless for her.

    They packed up their things and walked back to the residence.

    When everyone performed in the afternoon, they spent a lot of energy.

    It took a lot of energy to walk back again, and almost all the food I ate at noon has been digested.

    Everyone gathered next to the sofa and counted the money they earned today.

    There is indeed a lot of traffic in the square by the bridge, and most of the people who watched their performance gave a tip.

    Wave after wave of people added up to more than seventy or eighty people.

    Most of them gave ten and twenty yuan, and there were even a few fifty-one hundred, and a small part of them were a few yuan in change.

    Adding up all the zeros and zeros, I made a little over two thousand.

    This number is actually not enough for everyone to participate in commercial performances, but in this situation of having nothing, it makes them feel very satisfied.

    "Actually, this money is almost enough for our meals for three days." After Yu Mingtong finished counting, he put all the money on the coffee table.

    The price of buying vegetables in the vegetable market is not very expensive, and some of the vegetables they bought at noon are still unfinished.

    "That won't work, we have to go to other places next time, who knows if the show crew will come up with some new tricks, just in case, let's save more money." Li Dan immediately interrupted Yu Ming Tong's fallen heart.

    "Yes." The others nodded.

    "Today's performing arts atmosphere is not bad, but it seems to be a bit lacklustre. If the performance is the same tomorrow, the audience should be fatigued." Ru Xi concluded.

    "Yes, this is a problem." Liu Xinjia also noticed it.

    The first day was all supported by the hard work of everyone and the novelty of the audience. If it was still like this the next day, few audiences would probably be willing to watch it again.

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