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Chapter 100

    Didn't the Phoenix Awards already have Best Supporting Actress and Best Supporting Actor? Why did another Best Supporting Actor Award come out?

    The first thing everyone thought of was this, but soon, they realized something and looked in one direction.

    The barrage is also expressing surprise at this time.

    [Best Supporting Actor Award? ]

    [What does this mean? ]

    [I feel like I have a vague understanding, but I just don't know if I'm thinking right, my God]

    [If it's really what I think...it's really a precedent! ]

    [What are you talking about? Why do you feel like you're nagging]

    [Ahhhh, I can't help but start to get excited! Is this really the case? ]

    [Wooooow Lifetime Series]


    The representative of the organizer on the awards stage continued to speak.

    "As we all know, since the establishment of the Phoenix Awards, more than 20 awards including Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress have been created.

    " The same is true for supporting actress awards for male actors who play male roles in movies."

    "Since its inception, the Phoenix Awards have always followed this rule, but there are exceptions to everything."

    "This is a closed circle. In our In my impression, male actors are more suitable to play male roles, and female actors are more suitable to play female roles, and each perform their duties. Although there has been a form of performance called cross-dressing throughout the ages, in the film, almost no one can do it better than normal It's even better, but this time there's finally an exception..." When the

    representative of the organizer said this, he couldn't help but look in a certain direction.

    The camera then cuts there.

    On the live broadcast screen, it was Ru Xi who was sitting in the guest seat, she had surprise in her eyes, and she smiled emotionally.

    There was a "really so" expression on everyone's face.

    The barrage immediately went crazy.

    [Ahhhhhhhh this time it's real! ]

    [It's her! It's really her! It was she who broke everyone's inherent impression! And the Phoenix Award also broke the circle for her! ]

    [Wooooow, thank you Phoenix Award for fulfilling my long-cherished wish, this is my favorite character! I am satisfied! Really satisfied! ]

    [I was really excited and cried]

    [Before I was still regretting that Wan Li could not be selected for the Best Supporting Actor or Best Supporting Actress award, today it is complete! I'm so excited! ]

    [Today, this award was specially set up for her, which means that her acting skills have impressed all the judges of the Phoenix Award. This is the first case in history! ]

    [You are our eternal pride! ]

    Seeing that everyone had understood, the representative of the organizer said directly: "I announce that the first actor to win the Phoenix Award for Best Supporting Actor is Ruxi! Congratulations! I hope that someone can achieve great success in the future!" The

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