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Chapter 125

    "Okay." Zhou Qing was also very concerned about this matter.

    Ru Xi said she wanted to record a video, so she raised her phone.

    Just seeing the frame in the lower left corner, she suddenly noticed something was wrong.

    Isn't this the scene when I saw Ruxi just now? How did it appear on the phone?

    The doubts on her face were obvious, and she put down the mobile phone she had raised, and started to operate something.

    Ru Xi, who was distracted by her movements, walked over, and then saw Zhou Qing click on the photo album in the lower left corner recorded by her mobile phone.

    A video pops up.

    It was the scene that Zhou Qing accidentally recorded after seeing Ruxi.

    The Ruxi in the picture is beautiful and strange, full of inexplicable charm and tension.

    The whole video is very short, less than half a minute.

    But it feels like watching a blockbuster movie.

    It was only at the end that Zhou Qing's hand shook a bit before the filming ended.

    After reading it, Zhou Qing was shocked.

    She realized that she must have accidentally pressed the shooting button just now.

    "I think..." Zhou Qing raised the phone again, her eyes were full of excitement, "It seems that there is no need to take another one."

    Ru Xi understood her meaning, smiled slightly, and raised her eyebrows.

    Seeing her provocative appearance without knowing it, Zhou Qing really wanted her to do it all over again and take pictures of it as material.

    However, thinking of Yuan Ting's warning before.

    As long as Ruxi stands there, those who like her will always like her.

    Zhou Qing put away her thoughts and smiled in relief.

    The fans over there are still passionately online against Jingshu's official blog.

    The fan who communicated with Assistant Ruxi here received a small video.

    "This time it should be real." Fantou murmured softly.

    If he still cheats fans, the assistant probably doesn't want the job anymore.

    She clicked on the video, and then... she was stunned.

    Seeing the last jitter, when the screen was slightly skewed, Fantou actually felt empathy with the recorder.

    "Lying on the grass..." She sighed slowly, and the screen on the phone stopped abruptly.

    After finally waiting for the drowning feeling to pass, she trembled all over.

    Afterwards, she excitedly forwarded the video to the fan group who were still swiping the screen, and put a series of exclamation marks.

    [Stop arguing, take a look at what Sister Qing is posting! ! ! ]

    The fans in the group were startled by her tone, and involuntarily stopped swiping to complain about the behavior of Jingshu and Ruxi's team.

    Many fans clicked on the video.

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