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Chapter 61

    As the sky was getting darker, Ru Xi pursed her lips, looked at other people with the same worried expression, and finally fixed her gaze on Shen Xue'er who looked colder than usual.

    After getting along with each other for the first two days, everyone also got to know Wen Shanshan's character.

    This girl is not only good-looking, but also very reliable, as can be seen from helping her parents to harvest cabbage in an orderly manner.

    "It's a bit unsafe at night, why don't we go find someone."

    After Ru Xi finished speaking, Shen Xueer's tight brows relaxed a little.

    The others nodded approvingly.

    After making a decision, everyone split up a few people and went to look for Wen Shanshan together, while the others stayed in the villa to handle the dinner on the table.

    Ruxi and Shen Xueer were in the team going.

    Not far away, they still plan to walk there.

    Along the way, several people didn't speak much.

    Especially Shen Xueer, who was indifferent, didn't say a word.

    Ruxi knew that everyone was very worried, afraid that something might happen to Shanshan, so she could only try to guide their thoughts in a good direction.

    "Shanshan's house is nearby, there may be some delays, everyone, don't worry too much."


    "Yes, it's possible."

    Others nodded in agreement, only Shen Xueer remained the same, no one else Know what she is thinking in the end.

    Halfway there, they just ran into Wen Shanshan who was walking towards this side.

    It will be so dark that only a rough figure can be seen.

    We walked three or four meters away from each other before we saw each other clearly.

    She lowered her head and couldn't see her face, but she could tell from her clothes that it was Wen Shanshan.

    "Shan Shan?" Everyone asked together.

    The person opposite was raising her hands, covering her mouth and nose. Hearing their voices, she raised her head in a panic to confirm, then hurriedly lowered her head, and wiped her face with her hands.

    From the looks of it, he should be wiping away the tears on his face.

    Seeing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time they were a little puzzled.

    Obviously, when we met tomorrow, the other party was still fine. Could it be that something happened during this afternoon?

    Ru Xi walked in the front, and the moment Wen Shanshan finished wiping her face, she had already arrived in front of him.

    The other party raised his head as if nothing had happened, looked at the crowd, and nodded apologetically, "I was late for something just now, all sisters, I'm sorry..."

    "It's fine, as long as you are fine." Ru Xi quickly took the lead to comfort her.

    It seems that she has no intention of telling them what happened, and Ruxi will not force her.

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